The House of Da Vinci

The House of Da Vinci Achievement Guide

سيغطي هذا الدليل الخطوات الخاصة بكيفية الحصول على ملف 100% achievement in The House of Da Vinci. If you’re one of the players of The House of Da Vinci who want to obtain all achievements in the game, هذا الدليل هو لك.

The House of Da Vinci Achievement Guide

In this game, players will be able to collect a total of 6 الإنجازات. None of these achievements is hidden/secret.

الفصل 1: The Library

Printing PressCodex Atlanticus 1478-1482

  • In the Library on one of the bookshelves, you will find The Printing Press Achievement Plaque. ايضا, يوجد 3 books with the contributorsnames listed. “A-G” “H-M” و “N-Z”.

الفصل 2: The Workshop

File-cutterCodex Atlanticus 1480

  • The File Cutter: After you illuminate the room with the catapult, click on the steps to get to the bookcase on your left. There on the shelf is The File-Cutter Achievement plaque.

الفصل 3: The Crypt

Viola OrganistaCodex Atlanticus 1488-1489

  • To get the Viola Organista Achievement you need to acquire the objects to light up the fireplace first. Then turn around and scan to your left along the back wall to an alcove of skulls on the shelves. On the middle shelf is the Viola Organista Achievement Plaque.

الفصل 4: Armory

Scythed ChariotAround the year 1485

  • In the back corner are some barrels next to the bridge in the cannon room. Look off to your left behind the Yurt along the wall. If you zoom in you can see the Scythed Chariot Achievement Plaque on top of the barrels.

الفصل 5: البرج

Revolving BridgeCodex Atlanticus 1487-1489

  • Enter the Tower and head to the chest that is next to the Zodiac wheel. On the floor by the wood column, you will find the Revolving Bridge Achievement Plaque.

الفصل 6: The Time Machine

Flying MachineManuscript B 1487-1489

  • In the Tower go down the stairs to the ground level of the tower. In the bookcase that is next to the fancy iron gate. Look on the bottom shelf in the wooden box for the Flying Machine Achievement Plaque.

Are you still having a hard time obtaining the achievements? اذا نعم, you can also check the video tutorial guide below.

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