
مجهول 4 Should be the Next PlayStation Exclusive to Hit PCs

After Death Stranding, Horizon, and Days Gone, Nate Drake and his crew are also on their way to computers.

The list of exclusive PlayStation games to be brought to the PC is expected to grow soon. According to a report from a presentation by Sony to its investors, released late on Wednesday, May 26th, مجهول 4 should also be made available for computers in the near future.

The title appeared on one of the slides in the presentation, which spoke of the growth of PlayStation Studios, alongside Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone asoff consoletitles. Remember that, before them, Death Stranding was also released for PC shortly after its launch on the PlayStation 4.

مجهول 4 Shouldn’t be the Only One

In August last year, Sony released a 2020 report to align the company’s visions, purposes, and objectives. في ال “Games and Network Services” فئة, information caught the eye: the company has plans to bring exclusive games to the PC.

We will explore expanding our first-party titles to the PC platform, in order to promote further growth in our profitability,” said the company.

Uncharted Movie Development

While we’re still waiting for the official announcement, it seems that the production of the Uncharted film is really doing well. Just recently, the studio behind the Uncharted movie development has released a new photo featuring the two stars of the movieTom Holland and Mark Wahlberg. أنت تستطيع check the new photos from here.

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