Bramble: The Mountain King

Bramble The Mountain King Controls and Shortcuts Guide

Looking for the full list of Bramble: The Mountain King controls and keyboard shortcuts for PC? You’ve just arrived in the right place as this page will answer every question that you have about the Bramble: The Mountain King controls.

Bramble: The Mountain King

The following are the default Bramble: The Mountain King key bindings. You can change these default keyboard controls by going to Settings > Game > Keybindings option.

Cancel / ReturnR
Charge LightRight Mouse Button
Fire LightLeft Mouse Button
CrouchLeft Ctrl
SprintLeft Shift
Pause MenuEsc
Bramble: The Mountain King Controls

Apart from the mouse and keyboard support, PC players can also enjoy the benefits of using a gamepad controller as the developer confirmed that Bramble: The Mountain King has full controller support.

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