BitLife Rising Star Challenge

BitLife Rising Star Challenge | So vervollständigen Sie

It’s a new week and BitLife just released a new challenge for players to complete. Like the previous week, there are a total of four tasks to complete in this challenge. This page will give you the details on how to complete the Rising Star Challenge.

How to Complete the Rising Star Challenge

Here is the list of tasks that you need to complete for this week’s challenge:

  • Become a famous P$rn Star
  • Be famous for 10+ Jahre
  • Land a leading role in a film
  • Receive a Bitcademy Award for a leading role

Let’s start this guide by starting a new life or simply continuing the current life that you have. Your goal is to have decent looks until you reach 18 Jahre alt. Once you get to that age, you can have your very first job. Since one of the tasks is becoming a famous P$rn Star, you need to enter the adult entertainment industry. Go to the Adult Film Studio and apply for a P$rn Actor job.

Nachdem ich den Job bekommen habe, work for a few years. until you get promoted. Continue working hard until you become famous. Having a social media account and doing extra jobs like photoshoots and talk shows will increase your popularity. Once you have enough popularity, go to Bitcademy and try auditioning. Your goal is to get the lead role in a film. Continue working on your job until you get the Bitcademy Award.

That is how you can complete the Rising Star Challenge in BitLife. In case you missed the previous challenge, you can find the details hier.

Über den Autor

Earl ist einer dieser Spieler, die fast jedes neue Spiel spielen. Aber er spielt lieber FPS und Open-World-Spiele.