Schwarzer Klee

Schwarzklee-Episode 140 Veröffentlichungsdatum

Schwarzklee-Episode 140 ist gleich um die Ecke, and Studio Pierrot is now getting ready to release the continuation of the adventure of Asta to become the Wizard King. The events in the previous episode hyped the Black Clover anime fans, which is why everyone is now excited to watch the 140th episode of the Black Clover anime series.

Black Clover anime is based on Yuki Tabata’s manga series. Since the anime premieres in 2017, the fandom is rapidly growing. If you’re one of the Asta fans waiting for the next episode, we highly recommend to check out the details below.

Schwarzklee-Episode 140

Schwarzklee-Episode 140 Streaming-Guide

Luftdatum: August 25, 2020, bei 5:25 PN (JST)
Episodentitel: A Favor for Julius
Episodenzusammenfassung: TBA
Streaming-Links: AnimelabKnusperrolleFunimationHallo, und das Seil

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With the popularity of the anime series, Black Clover has a solid time slot on various local TV stations in Japan. Before the official streaming partners distribute the latest episode of Black Clover on their platforms, the episode should finish its broadcast first in Japan. Right after the first broadcast, Knusperrolle, Animelab, and the other anime streaming websites will be officially sharing the episode with English subtitles.

Black Clover Plot

A young boy named Asta dreams of becoming the greatest wizard in the kingdom. Jedoch, Asta has one problem of becoming a wizard as he cant use any magic. Glücklicherweise, Asta received the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the ability to use the power of anti-magic. Will Asta be able to achieve his dream of becoming the Wizard King?

Black Clover Official Trailer

Über den Autor

Billy ist ein Anime-Fan. In seiner Freizeit liest er gerne Mangas und schaut sich Animes an. Seine Lieblings-Anime- und Manga-Serien sind One Piece und Hunter x Hunter.