Wie repariert man “Eine Quelle im Sumpf” Quest-Bug in Atlas Fallen

The guide describes how to fix a stuck rise in the “Eine Quelle im Sumpf” Suche. There are a few ways to fix this, one of them is to restart the puzzle.

Downloading & Extracting

1) Herunterladen und installieren Python 3.

2) Download Savegame utility Altas Fallen Savegame

3) Extrakt atlas-fallen-savegame-main.zip.

4) Open Atlas Fallen savegame folder <path\to\steam>\userdata\<user id>\1230530\Fernbedienung>.

5) Kopieren autosave*.sav last modified file to the previously extracted folder.

Extract as Json

Run Command Promt\Power Shell or something else in utility folder and type:

python savegame_body.py extract_json autosave.sav autosave.json


python savegame_body.py extract_json <sav file in> <json body out> {Optionen}

-> Extracts the body from a save file as json.


  • skip-era: Skips processing the game-specific portion of the save game body. May help with bugs or new game versions.
  • keep-inner-json-as-string: Will export the inner json as a raw string, to produce a 1:1 representation down to the characters.

Editing .json file

1) Open the output file autosave.jsonmit jedem Texteditor, z.B. Notizblock.

2) Press Ctrl+F or open Find window and typelvl5_af_access_switch_puzzle_swamp”.

3) Scrollen Sie nach unten und finden Sie die AccessSwitchFailed Linie, then replace the value FALSCH mit WAHR

"AccessSwitchFailed": {
"bool": WAHR

3) Speichern!


Open Terminal and type:

python savegame_body.py compose_json autosave.sav autosave.json autosave1.sav --compress


python savegame_body.py compose_json <sav file in> <json body in> <sav file out> {Optionen}
-> Replaces the body in a save file from a json representation.


  • –Kompresse: Compresses the contents.

Move the game save file

1) Move changed autosave1.sav file to savegame folder.

2) Starten Sie das Spiel neu.

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