So erhalten Sie mehr Münzen in Frogun

Learn how to locate and edit your save file, and maybe give yourself some extra coins?

Locate your save file

On Windows you should find your file in the following location:


Make sure to make a backup copy of this file if you plan on editing your save.

Opening and editing your save

Make sure your game is closed before editing this file!

Despite having a “Das” extension, the contents of the file are plaintext rather than binary data. Open this file in your text editor of choice. I recommend VS Code/VS Codium. The file is really just a JSON file, though your editor might not detect it as such right away. You can change the working language in VS Code with the shortcutCtrl+K M”, and selecting JSON. Danach, you can choose to format your document, so it’s easier to work with it. The end result should look something like this:

    "StringData": [
            "Taste": "Sprache",
            "Wert": "IN"
            "Taste": "Save_Slot1",
            "Wert": "hasSeenIntro;1\nlastLevel;Ruins5\ncoins;435\nhat;34\nLevel1;1;17.23509;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;\n(etc...)"
    "IntData": [
            "Taste": "ResolutionWidth",
            "Wert": 2560
            "Taste": "ResolutionHeight",
            "Wert": 1600
            "Taste": "FullScreen",
            "Wert": 1
        // etc...
    "FloatData": [
            "Taste": "MusicVolume",
            "Wert": 1.0
            "Taste": "SoundVolume",
            "Wert": 0.8827723860740662
        // etc...
    "BoolData": []

An dieser Stelle, you can change any values you want around to edit your save. While I don’t think it’s strictly necessary, I recommend minifying the JSON before saving the file.

Extra coins

Editing your save is definitely considered cheating! If you’re okay with this, weiter lesen.

The absolutely most annoying part of going for 100% in this game is grinding for coins in order to buy all gallery items and hats. You can easily spend twice the time or more you spent completing everything else just grinding away. Gott sei Dank, you can edit your save to give yourself as many coins as you want! This will save you a ton of time on what many consider a pointless grind.

Open your save file following the previous section. You’ll find your coin count inside a very, very long string in the save file. Look for the data underStringData”. You’ll find some key-value pairs; find the one of the save slot you want to edit. In my case it was the one with “Taste”: “Save_Slot1”. You’ll find the really long string in the part that says “Wert”. Your coins are saved in a part that says “Münzen;123\n” (however many coins you had). Just change this number to a ludicrous amount of coins and save your file as per the previous section.


Und du bist fertig! Enjoy not grinding for hours!

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