So lösen Sie das Laser-Rätsel in FOREWARNED

Frustrated with the laser puzzles? This guide gives you all the solutions and ways to easily remember them!
Dieses Handbuch ist auf dem neuesten Stand v0.75.2.


EIN Karte ist das, was Sie in der Lobby auswählen und das Äußere des Grabes und die Grabvariante bestimmt.
EIN Grabvariation ist es, was das einzigartige Erscheinungsbild und die Eigenschaften des ausmacht Innere des Grabes.
EIN laser puzzle is a type of Ushabti puzzle found in the lower tomb, which is opened after pulling the blue lever. These puzzles are always exactly the same per tomb variation and always contain 10 Kristalle.

To learn more about maps, see our Forwarned map guide!

Some seem complex at first glance, but these puzzles are actually set up to mostly be solved by just rotating crystals to point at the first one it connects to. Some have multiple solutions, but this guide has the simplest versions.

Grabvariation 1 – Vanillegrab

Tomb variation 1 covers the maps: Cursed Sand Ruins and Crypt of the Great Pyramid.

You solve this laser puzzle by rotating crystal #1 until you get to the second crystal the laser connects to. The rest are set up to be solved on the first crystal the laser connects to.

(Click to zoom!)

Grabvariation 2 – Schlangengrab

Tomb variation 2 covers the maps: Temple of the Pharaoh and Undercroft of Akar.

You solve this laser puzzle by rotating crystals until you get to the first crystal the laser connects to, minus crystal #3, which needs to skip a crystal.

You can remember this solution by thinking of the completed puzzle as a clockwise spiral, like a snake that is the theme of this tomb variation.

(Click to zoom!)

Grabvariation 3 – Sandspinnengrab

Tomb variation 3 covers the maps: Sunken Dune Shrine and Hidden City of the Sahara.

You solve this laser puzzle by rotating crystals until you get to the first crystal the laser connects to, minus crystal #1 and crystal #3, which need to skip a crystal.

To remember this solution, you can think of the finished puzzle as an hourglass, holding sand that is the theme of this tomb variation.

(Click to zoom!)

Grabvariation 4 – Oase

Tomb variation 4 covers the maps: Sobek Oasis (Nacht) and Sobek Oasis (Tag).

You solve this laser puzzle by rotating the first three crystals until they each connect to the second available crystal. From then on, each crystal connects to the first available crystal the laser reaches.

To remember this solution, just remember that the laser must go through the righthand waterfall, and the rest are set up to be solved by rotating to the first available crystal.

(Click to zoom!)

Grabvariation 5 – Unterirdischer Palast

Tomb variation 5 covers the maps: Dread Valley and Nekhbet Chasm.

The solution is identical to tomb variation 1:

You solve this laser puzzle by rotating crystal #1 until you get to the second crystal the laser connects to. The rest are set up to be solved on the first crystal the laser connects to.

(Click to zoom!)

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