Mörder in der Kabine

Mörder in der Kabine – Spielanleitung

If you know the game titled “Unter uns”, you now have at least the basic idea of how to play Killer in the Cabin. Brunnen, it’s basically based on the same concept. Im Spiel, you will find yourself among the survivors of a bus crash. Jedoch, one of you is a killer who will be taking the lives of all the remaining survivors.

The rescue team will arrive in a few days, so as a survivor, you have to find a way to survive and determine who the killer is. Zur selben Zeit, if you’re the killer, you have to silently take down the survivors without them suspecting you.

How to Play as a Survivor

You will find yourself trapped in the Norweigian wilderness and need to exploit the surroundings in order to survive. Jedoch, one of you is a killer. Your main task is to survive and stay alive for 15 Protokoll. Surviving within this time will defeat the killer.

Survivor Tips:

  • Watch out for your body temperature. If the temperature is below 0 Grad, your health will drop. Light the fireplace to help your body from freezing.
  • Trinke genug. Drink from water bottles that you found. You can refill these water bottles at the water pump.
  • Don’t starve yourself. You can find and eat cookies and chocolates, but to really fill your stomach, find ingredients and cooperate to make a proper meal.
  • Take a rest. Sleeping could be dangerous but your body needs some rest. Find a comfy bed and take a nap when you feel tired.
  • When one of the gauges is completely red, your health will start to drop. Make sure to check it frequently.

How to Play as a Killer

You’re the black sheep among the survivors. Your goal is to kill every survivor around. Wie wir bereits erwähnt haben, stay low while slowly taking down the other survivors. You will be defeated if you fail to kill all survivors within 15 Protokoll.

Killer Tips:

  • Try to be sneaky as possible. If anyone suspects you, you can be voted out, or even killed.
  • You can use poison on food, Getränke, or even ingredients.
  • You can strangle people sleeping, and use weapons.
  • Wounded people will not be able to talk for 10 Sekunden, so make sure to take them out as soon as possible.
  • While checking a backpack, you can collect everything you find in your inventory. Holding the Tab key will open the backpack. You can interact, essen, trinken, drop or poison whatever you fancy inside your inventory.

And that’s everything about this guide for Killer in the Cabin. We also have an exclusive Killer in the Cabin controls guide that will be useful for players who are just getting started in the game. Make sure to check it out.

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