Nemesis: Sperrung

Nemesis: Leitfaden zu Lockdown-Steuerelementen und Verknüpfungen

Nemesis: Lockdown is a turn-based horror multiplayer game developed by InterStudio. Im Spiel, you will have to cooperate with your team for survival. Jedoch, you should be aware that there may be some betrayal in the process. Be not one of the betrayed team members by at least knowing the basic Nemisis: Lockdown controls. This page will detail every keyboard and mouse control for Nemesis: Sperrung.

Nemesis: Lockdown Controls

Bevor wir fortfahren, be reminded that you change and remap all of these default Nemesis: Lockdown key bindings and shortcuts. To change the controls, gehe zu Optionen und das Verknüpfungen Möglichkeit.

Drücken, um zu sprechenR
Taktische KarteM
Action CardsLeertaste
Focus Playerv
Computer Action3
Crafting Panel4
Highlighting ObjectTab
Nemesis: Lockdown Controls

Sie können sich auch den vollständigen Screenshot der Spielsteuerung unten ansehen:

With all the listed Nemesis: Lockdown controls above, you’re now ready to embark on your first adventure in the game. Viel Glück!

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