One Piece Kapitel 942

One Piece Kapitel 942 Verspätet, Neues Veröffentlichungsdatum bekannt gegeben

If you’re excited for the latest One Piece Kapitel 942 this week, it’s sad to say that there will be no new One Piece chapter this time. As announced in the previous chapter, One Piece is taking a one week break due to the Golden Week celebration in Japan.

While it’s sad to hear that there is no new One Piece chapter coming this week, Eiichiro Oda has assured that fans will be getting another epic chapter next month. There are already lots of unexpected events happening in One Piece manga right now, and with the previous release, expect to see another surprising action on the next release.

AKTUALISIEREN: One Piece Kapitel 942 Spoiler is OUT!

What Happened In The Previous Chapter?

Wie wir alle wissen, One Piece Kapitel 941 caught us off guard with a character reveal. Im vorherigen Kapitel, das witching hour boy character has been revealed and it was Yasu who is also a brother of the current Shogun. Yasuie is now in an execution platform and anytime, he may die.

In der Zwischenzeit, in the Prisoner’s Mine, Luffy and Hyou ate all the food that Queen brought for himself. Und gleichzeitig, Yonko Big Mom has arrived in the prison. Knowing that there’s no food left and Big Mom is craving for it, what could be the worst possible outcome of this scenario? Mal sehen, wie sich die Dinge entwickeln, wenn One Piece Chapter 942 Freigaben.

One Piece Kapitel 942 Veröffentlichungsdatum

The official One Piece chapter releases every Monday on the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine issue. So expect to see One Piece Chapter 942 im Mai 13, 2019. As for the digital scan, we usually managed to read it online earlier. Davon abgesehen, it is safe to safe that we may get the digital copy of this chapter on the weekend next week.

Über den Autor

Billy ist ein Anime-Fan. In seiner Freizeit liest er gerne Mangas und schaut sich Animes an. Seine Lieblings-Anime- und Manga-Serien sind One Piece und Hunter x Hunter.