One Piece Odyssey Speicherort des Spiels

Looking for the save game location of the newest One Piece Odyssey? Auf dieser Seite, we will be sharing with you the details on where to find the One Piece Odyssey save game location on both Windows OS and Linux. The game is currently available on these two platforms, which is why you should be aware of where to find the needed files.

But before we start, why do we need to know the One Piece Odyssey save game file directory? The answer is pretty obvious. You need to know where to find the files to have a backup of your in-game progress. Abgesehen davon, you can also use your save game progress and share it with other players to help them unlock certain items and complete several missions.

So, where can we find the One Piece Odyssey save game files? Here’s where you need to go:

For Windows OS:


For Linux:


And that’s everything you need to learn about this One Piece Odyssey save game file directory location. Viel Glück, Piraten!

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