Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 Jahreszeit 2 | Wann wird es beginnen?

With the overwhelming response from the gaming community, Overwatch 2 has already been considered a success. One of the new features in Overwatch 2 is the Battle Pass system, which will allow players to receive premium rewards.

In the first season of Overwatch 2, one of the main highlights of the Battle Pass is the new support hero, Es ist da. If you haven’t obtained it yet, können Sie dies gerne überprüfen führen. Now that Season 1 has been getting a lot of attention, many players are wondering when will be the start of Season 2.

Overwatch 2 Jahreszeit 2 Veröffentlichungsdatum

According to the details revealed along with the Battle Pass explanation on the Overwatch blog, Blizzard has confirmed that each season of Overwatch 2 will run for around nine weeks, which is approximately equivalent to 2 Monate.

As for the Overwatch 2 Jahreszeit 2, the blog also confirmed that it will start on Dezember 6, 2022. This only means that the first season will likely end on December 5th. Along with the start of the new Overwatch 2 Jahreszeit, a new theme, a new hero, and new Mythic skin will be released.

Approximately every nine weeks, there will be a new season with a themed Battle Pass, new cosmetics in the Shop, and seasonal events. Season Two will begin on December 6 and feature a new theme, a new hero, and a new Mythic skin.

This concludes our Overwatch 2 Jahreszeit 2 aktualisieren. We will be updating this post if there are any Season 2 scheduled changes.

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