Heilige Steine

Leitfaden zur Errungenschaft „Heilige Steine“.

Diese Anleitung behandelt die Schritte, wie Sie die erhalten 100% achievement in Sacred Stones. If you’re one of the players who want to obtain all Sacred Stones achievements, Dieser Leitfaden ist für Sie.

Leitfaden zur Errungenschaft „Heilige Steine“.

Bevor wir anfangen, we would like to tell you that all of the achievements listed below can be obtained in easy difficulty. Ebenfalls, make sure to get all the missable achievements before killing the final boss in each area as that progresses you to the next stage automatically.

Stone Boss Area

Die Reise beginntGet your first weapon.

  • Unmissable achievement. Simply pick up a weapon.

Eye of the EagleEnter the hidden stage at the Stone boss stage

  • Simply reach the room in the screenshot below and enter the small door. Beating this boss will give you a key needed to unlock an achievement later on.

Heilige Steine

SiegreichBeat the Stone boss.

  • Nicht zu übersehen. Just beat the Stone boss.

Bühne 1 – Dschungel

Great AdventurerCollect the Fuel and the Shield in the Jungle.

  • Zuerst, get some oil from the ship in the upper area.

Heilige Steine

  • After getting the oil, enter the spaceship to get the shield.

Heilige Steine

Bomb SquadGet the Mine weapon.

  • Can technically be missed if you forget to pick it up. Pick up the mine weapon that drops after killing one of the bosses.

Jungle ConquererClear Stage 1.

  • Nicht zu übersehen. Simply beat all the bosses in the area.

Bühne 2 – Wüste

Shoot-em-upGet the X-ZERO Bullet weapon

  • Pick up this weapon on the lower part of the area.

I Hate Rainy WeathersGet rid of the Storm Cloud and collect the Shield in the Desert.

  • You need to use the X-Zero Bullet weapon to hit the cloud and grab the shield.

Heilige Steine

Desert ConquererClear Stage 2.

  • Nicht zu übersehen. Simply beat all the bosses in the area.

Bühne 3 – Cold

REDDEN!!Defeat the hidden boss in the snowy fields.

  • To find the hidden boss climb up on the chains on the left part of the area, and jump to the right when you are all the way up top.

Heilige Steine

Der ZerstörerGet the MI-DX Bullet Bullet weapon.

  • Technically missable if you forget to pick it up. It should drop from one of the bosses.

Cold ResilientClear Stage 3.

  • Nicht zu übersehen. Simply beat all the bosses in the area.

Bühne 4 – Finale

Lucky BirbCollect the Hidden Shield in the final stage

  • You will find a bird on the lower left part of the area. Jump on it and keep jumping as it flies up, you will find the shield all the way up top.

Heilige Steine

Notiz: You need the key card that you get from killing the hidden boss on the stone stage to open the door that leads to the shield.

Über den Autor