SaGa Frontier Remastered Anfängerleitfaden zu Fertigkeiten und Künsten

I am just going to keep this part short and sweet and tell you exactly what you need to know and how each Tech form is learned.

A lot of skills will require you to have certain amounts of stats, so for example.. you wont learn a Tier 5 skill at the beginning of the game until you’ve levelled up your party stats some. On top of this.. say you only have one level 1 tier skill and learn say.. ein Level 3 tier skill and start using that to learn more skills you will not learn any skills under level 3 tier you’ll learn skills that are tier 3 und darüber, keep this in mind if you want to try and learn every skill.

It seems that if you hold off on learning new skills at low levels and encounter higher level monsters later in the game that are quite tough it is possible to learn skills at a much faster rate by just spamming the lowest skill you have. So keeping monsters difficulty higher than your party CAN have its use, of course.. this will set a challenge for normal fights, it’s all about finding the right balance of what monster and making sure you have some decent equipment really, this is not the case for Arts that learn skills at the end of battle, like Magic/Martial Arts.

Arts Skill Learning

Sword Arts – You need to have at least one empty skill slot in your ARTS menu so when you learn a new one, that will be placed onto the empty slot. IF you don’t have an empty slot, you wont learn more skills. Keeping track of your skills menu is a must if you want to build up your skills list. See picture below where I have left 2 empty skill slots for Gen to learn more Tech skills. Learning new Sword Arts will happen during a battle and not at the end of it. More information on Sword Arts Skills can be found further down in the guide with a complete list of skills to learn.

Gun Arts – Nochmal, you need to have at least one open skill slot to be able to learn new Gun Art skills but you will only learn these at the end of battle, unlike Swords and Martial Arts where you learn those during battle. IF you don’t have an empty slot, you wont learn more skills. Keeping track of your skills menu is a must if you want to build up your Gun skills list. You won’t actually get any notification either that you have learned a new Gun Art until the end of battle. DO NOT use Cannon or Laser type Guns when learning new skills, you won’t learn any using those weapons. More info on Gun Arts Skills can be found further down in the guide with a complete list of skills to learn.

KampfkünsteJust like Swords and Gun Arts, you will also need an empty slot space to learn new skills. Martial Arts is identical to Swords in how the skills are learned but you just use your bare hands instead of swords. You WILL however get a notification when you learn a new Martial Arts, unlike Gun or Magic Arts. There are three types of Martial Arts skills.. Trete, Schlagen, and Throwing, each with their own unique animation. A tip here would be if you want to learn Kick skills then only use Kick skills in battle, same with Punch skills, and with Throwing skills, though just using the normal attack for Martial Arts also works, but it’s more random on the skill you’ll learn. More info on Martial Arts Skills can be found further down in the guide with a complete list of skills to learn.

MagieMagic is a huge part of Saga Frontier and there’s a lot of information for it so i’ll try and give you some information in a more condensed manner. Magic can be used by everyone and it has six schools, Rune, Arkan, Licht, Schatten, Platz, and Time and each has their own sets of spells. Magic is only learned at the end of battle so make sure to read your end battle information, and you won’t need an empty skill slot as the spells go straight into your list. Space Magic and Time Magic are only unlocked when you master one of the schools of Light or Shadow and Rune or Arcane. Jetzt, zusammen mit 6 main spell schools some characters have their own unique magic type, characters from the Magic Kingdom, like Blue and Rouge, has access to Realm Magic, whilst some Mystics has access to Evil and Mirage Magic.There’s a couple of Side-Quests that will need to be done to get access to Space and Time Magic, see the Side-Quest sections for information on those. I won’t list all the magics here, i’ll do that in the ‘ARTSMAGIC’ Sektion(s) further down the guide.

NOTIZ: IF you want every recruit to learn magics then i’d make sure you recruit them all first before attempting to unlock allMagic Schoolswith their various side-quests and such.

SpeziellThese Art Skills are ONLY used by Mechs, and no other Race. These are learned at the end of battles and only when you have fought mechanical type monsters. You will get a pop-up appear for your Mech character where it will ask if you want to absorb the data, choosing yes will give you a chance at learning that Mech’s Special skill. If the learning process fails you instead heal your Mech and party members stats, so kinda like getting a full heal after battle. It’s worth noting here, if you have two or more Mechs in a party only 1 will learn a skill, you need to pass on the skill for a Mech to move onto the next Mech for it to learn it. More information on Special Skills can be found further down in the guide with a complete list of skills to learn.

AusweichenOf all the available skills.. these are the worse to gain, the hard part is trying to find the actual monsters that you can learn Dodge skills off. The easiest way I know of to learn these Dodge skills, (and the only way I personally learn them), is find the monster that has the Dodge skill you want to learn, kill any other monsters that may be with it and then just keep using DEFEND over and over whilst the monster keeps using the skill, repeat until you’ve learned the Dodge Art. Sei vorsichtig, this method takes a LONG time to get every one for every character. More information on Dodge Skills can be found further down in the guide with a complete list of skills to learn.

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