Wo man alle kleinen blauen Flaschen in Call of Cthulhu findet

This guide contains locations and descriptions of places and chapters where you can find all the ‘blue bottles’ – sleeping pills. Ebenfalls, there is a save in which you just need to just find the last one and the achievement will pop up.


There is total of 7 blue bottles.

Nummer: 1
Kapitel: 1
Ort: Main character’s office

Just near the place you wake up and bottle of alcohol.

Nummer: 2
Kapitel: 2
Ort: Hawkins’ Lager

You can find if during or after the reconstruction of the events, but before going out from the warehouse.

2 screenshots, bottle is the same but from different point of view so its easier to locate.

Nummer: 3
Kapitel: 3
Ort: Hawkinsmanor, Child’s room

Im zweiten Stock, across the Sarah’s office you will find a Simon’s room. Bottle is on the table, during reconstruction.

Nummer: 4
Kapitel: 5
Ort: Riverside Institute, in the Storage room (near kitchen)

Go to the storage room. Es gibt 2 Räume, and the guard is going from one to another. If you’re stuck with it, you can just follow the guard and you will see it on the left when the guard will start a new loop.

Nummer: 5
Kapitel: 6
Ort: SandersManor, Office room (where the Cat is)

After talking to Irene (widow) go to her husband’s office. Its the room where you find Cat standing.
Schau auf den Tisch.

Nummer: 6
Kapitel: 7
Ort: The Nameless Bookstore, Algernon’s room (where the safe is), in a table’s drawer

After reconstruction of events, you will be trying to open the safe. Just turn across the safethere is a table. Look into its drawers.

Nummer: 7
Kapitel: 9
Ort: In Dr. Fuller’s Office

Across the room, zwischen 2 Türen. Look inside the locker.

If you have difficulty:
On the same place you’ve found a Sarah’s shoes, in previous chapter, when playing as Dr. Colden.

Save file

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Be sure to save your own save-file before this. To avoid possible issues.

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