
Witching Hour PC-Tastatur und Gamepad-Steuerung

Vincent Lade’s newest horror video game, Mitternacht, ist endlich erschienen. The story will bring you to the quiet town of Hollow Hills, where you will discover unbelievable things. With the overwhelming horror vibe of the game, you’ll surely want to know the Witching Hour controls before starting the story. This article will cover the details of the controls of Witching Hour using the mouse, Klaviatur, und Gamepad-Controller.

Witching Hour Controls

For those who are wondering how to change the controls, it seems that these default Witching Hour key bindings and shortcuts are fixed as there is no in-game option to remap the controls.

BewegungW A S D
Enter PuzzleLinke Maustaste
ZoomenRechte Maustaste
Peek Left or RightZ or X
Witching Hour Controls

For the Xbox and PlayStation controller support, you can find the default controls below:

This concludes the Witching Hour controls guide. Haben wir irgendwelche Schlüsselkontrollen des Spiels vermisst?? Bitte zögern Sie nicht, uns dies mitzuteilen, indem Sie unten einen Kommentar hinterlassen.

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