Die in the Dungeon Origins Achievements Walkthrough Guide

100% the game as fast as you can! I hope these tips are helpful!

Video Guide (5 minutes)

How to 100% Die in the Dungeon: Origins! Make sure to wishlist the full game. Comment and tell me how long it took you to get all the achievements!


Shut Up!

  • This is the easiest achievement to get
  • On Floor 1, select “Tutorial” and then immediately skip

Oath Breaker

  • This next one is also very simple to get and will likely happen naturally while playing
  • When you are defeated and die, you unlock this achievement

Shiny Artifact

  • Your first relic can be found as an event reward anywhere from floor 2-4.
  • three possible events
  • They require a dice roll to beat – if you have silver dice, use them to increase your odds, otherwise basic boost and heal have a higher face than attack and block.
  • There is also a guaranteed relic reward on floor 6

Taste the Rainbow

  • This was achievement was bugged originally but got fixed a couple days after release
  • Find and kill the four caterpillar variants
    • Orange
    • Red
    • Blue
    • Green
  • You can learn more about them in my compendium, but they spawn randomly and fairly frequently with only 3 HP.

Flashy Display

  • As the title implies, flash dice are an easy way to defeat two enemies in a single turn: you kill one enemy with flash and then target the second one.
  • There is also a very rare relic called Star Yo-Yo that allows damage to spill over to the next enemy.
  • Finally, there are a handful a relics with passive damage like Toxic Cloud or Poisonous skin that can also help with a multikill, though this is more difficult

Now You’re Thinking With Mirrors

  • Mirror dice have returned and almost always roll a 6, so the only reasonable placement is the end
  • Prism is a new dice type that projects the boost from the tile it’s on to its own targets.
  • Place a Prism die on one end of the board, and a Mirror on the opposite end.

Scorpion Rideeer!

  • Getting to floor 20 deserves a guide on its own, but basically
    • Keep your deck managed (only 5-7 die MAX)
    • Choose relics that help each other out (synergy) and either keep you alive or boost your damage
    • Be smart about when you block incoming damage and when you kill an enemy. You can refer to my compendium for enemy details
  • Aim for the Rider with 3 E’s first. There is a spot on the board marked “opening”. Flash dice are very powerful and have a lot of synergies
    • Mark of the Chosen is an insane relic for this fight since it multiplies your dice base damage by 3
    • Gold boost dice can roll 5’s and 6’s which have a lot of blind spots on the board, so it is harder to target the rider with gold boost than silver
    • Bullseye is a very powerful relic, but has a similar issue where the rider spot is more likely to be on an edge than the center two squares
  • Once the rider is stunned, vulnerable spots open that triple the damage played on them to the scorpion. Use these spots to take out a chunk of health.
  • This boss is much easier to kill quickly than to try to wear down. You should have a strong enough deck that you only need to survive 1-2 attack cycles from the scorpion before he is stunned.

That’s a lotta Damage!

  • There are opportunities in the boss fight and in endless to deal 100+ damage
  • Use terrain to help boost up one spot – boost dice improve terrain, and the unpolished shards relic is very strong for glass terrain
  • The Mark of the Chosen One and Bullseye relics have multipliers that affect the terrain dice and the attack dice you play afterwards.

Fancy Collector

  • The collector is an event that usually appears in later floors like 16-19 and can appear in endless
  • Show him a terrain die, prism die, and mirror dice. These each get an x3 multiplier so you should be able to hit the required 18 value.
  • You may have to be specifically looking for him, as having that many “special” dice will crowd your hand and likely be a weak build

Tales Will Be Written

  • Once you beat the Scorpion Boss, continue on to endless mode.
  • Every 5 floors increases the phase which adds to enemy base health and attack values
  • Your deck should already be fairly small – keep it managed to 5-7 dice and ignore temptation
  • Flash and hollow are the most valuable modifiers and you can easily sweep floors on turn 1 with a strong deck
  • You will have the opportunity to pick up most relics, but avoid the relics with obvious downsides. I’ll point out Blindfold of Rage, Liquid Karma, and Crimson Blade as the worst offenders
This guide about Die in the Dungeon: Origins was written by checkmate101. You can visit the original publication from this link. If you have any concerns about this guide, please don't hesitate to reach us here.

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