Dr. Piedra: Stone Wars

Dr. Piedra: Episodio de Guerras de Piedra 5 Fecha de lanzamiento, Avance: Gorila de vapor

Dr. Temporada de piedra 2 Episodio 5 Casi está aquí. Following the successful debut of the second season, many anime fans are now thrilled to see the continuation of the Senkus science adventure in the stone world.

In this anime, we will be sharing you the important details of the upcoming Dr. Piedra: Episodio de Guerras de Piedra 5. Siga leyendo para conocer la fecha de lanzamiento oficial., resumen, and ways to watch the anime series online.

Resumen del episodio anterior

In the 4th episode of Dr. Temporada de piedra 2, anime fans have seen how Chrome managed to save his comrade from being captured by the enemy. Chrome has intentionally surrendered so that Magma can safely return to the Ishigami Village. Right after being captured, Chrome meets Tsukasa, the leader of Tsukasa Empire.

Mientras tanto, Magma reached the village and told everyone that Chrome has been captured. Due to this situation, Senku has decided to start advancing to Tsukasa Empire. The anime features the creation of the first steam vehicle in the stone world.

Dr. Temporada de piedra 2 Episodio 5 Actualizaciones

Below are the confirmed details and information about the 2nd season of Dr. Piedra.

¿Cuándo es el Dr.. Temporada de piedra 2 Episodio 5 fecha de lanzamiento?

Al momento de escribir, there is no delay or schedule changes that have been announced for the next episode of Dr. Piedra: Stone Wars. Habiendo dicho eso, expect to watch the 5th episode titled «Gorila de vapor» on Thursday, Febrero 11, 2021. Para referencia, below is the converted time and date for your region.

  • Febrero 11, 2021, en 12:30 PM (GMT)
  • Febrero 11, 2021, en 7:30 SOY (hora del este)
  • Febrero 11, 2021, en 11:30 PM (AET)
  • Febrero 11, 2021, en 4:30 SOY (PT)

Where to watch Dr. Temporada de piedra 2 Episodio 5?

You can watch the 5th episode of Dr. Piedra: Stone Wars on AnimeLab, Crunchyroll, Funimación, y VRV. Apart from the upcoming episode, you can also watch all the previously released episode of the anime from the sources I mentioned.

Sobre el Autor

Billy es un fanático del anime.. Le encanta leer manga y ver anime durante su tiempo libre.. Sus series de anime y manga favoritas son One Piece y Hunter x Hunter..