Capítulo Fortnite 2 Pescar

Capítulo Fortnite 2 Actualizaciones ocultas que quizás te hayas perdido

Following the total darkness in the world of Fortnite, Epic Games introduced Fortnite Chapter 2 bringing a new vast world for players to explore in Fortnite. There are lots of changes happened in the game such as the new map and other in-game features.

These changes are the most obvious features that players have noticed, but did you know that Fortnite Chapter 2 also brings some in-game features that are not so easy to recognize? Below are some of the Chapter 2 updates that you may have missed.

Healing Power of Slurpy Swamp

Slurpy Swap is the newest location in the new Fortnite map. But unlike the other new locations on the map, Slurpy Swap has an amazing feature in the game.

Aparentemente, the waters coming from the Slurp Juice Factory has the ability to restore your character’s health and shield. Asi que, in case you just came from a battle and you need to replenish your HP, just roam around the glowing waters of the river in Slurpy Swamp.

Consejo profesional: Find the flowing excess juice from the factory sewer pipe exit to speed up the health and shield restoration.

Fishing Rods Can Be Used To Grab Your Ally

With the arrival of Fortnite Chapter 2, players can now fish in the rivers. To catch a fish in the game, players need to use a fishing rod, por supuesto. There are various places where you can find a fishing rod that you can use and once you have it, you can now start fishing in the river. You’ll be able to catch a fish, arma, and other items that you can use against your opponent.

I was trying to see what all was possible with the fishing rods, and ended up saving my friends life de r/FortNiteBR

But apart from the normal items that you can catch with the fishing rods, did you know that you can also use it to your ally? One Fortnite player has shared on Reddit that you can grab and pull your ally and save them from death.

Hidden Treasure Chest In The Island

We’re still new on the map and there are lots of things that we will be encountering in the future. Pero por ahora, you should know that there are lots of hidden treasure buried in the beachline all over the map.

To find a treasure chest, you will be hearing a sound effect coming from the treasure. All you need to do is to track where it’s coming from and start digging.

Motorboats Can Be Used In Water, Tierra, and Air

The boat is one of the newest vehicles in Fortnite. Originalmente, it can only be used in the water but players are maximizing its full potential and now using it on land and even in the air.

One player shared a video of him using a motorboat as an airplane. In the video, you’ll see that even in the air, you can navigate the boat in any direction that you want.

You’re a Dolphin and You Can Jump

With the introduction of the inter-island and boats, Capítulo 2 also introduced the ability to swim. Motorboats are the fastest way to travel across the river, but what if you can’t find a boat and you need to get into a place as soon as possible?

Afortunadamente, you can do a dolphin swim to increase your speed while swimming. Press the jump button on your controller while swimming and your character will do a quick dolphin jump. Constantly doing this will greatly enhance your speed.

Clearer Storm Wall

Unlike the previous seasons, Capítulo Fortnite 2 removes some effect in the raging storm making it easier to see through the storm wall. This new feature will grant players the ability to see enemies running through the storm.

Carry Anyone In The Game

Capítulo Fortnite 2 also introduced another way to increase your team’s survival in the match. This new season will now allow players to carry your team who has been brought down by your opponent, drop him in a safe place, and then finally heal him.

But aside from your teammates, you can also carry your opponent somewhere else. Bringing in more fun on how you want to kill your enemy. You can drop him on a cliff, edificios, or any way that you may have think of. Check out this fun kidnapping compilation video.

Bots Are Now Spawning In The Game

Last but not least is the addition of bots in every match. Unlike the first ten seasons of Fortnite, killing an opponent in Fortnite Chapter 2 is much easier.

In case you missed the news a week ago, Epic Games has finally added bots in the game starting in Fortnite Chapter 2. Depending on your skill level, the current Fortnite system will randomly add a number of bots to appear in every match. As soon as you progress and increase your rank, the bots will eventually be replaced by real human which makes the game much harder. All you need to do is upgrade your playing skills to actually have a head-to-head battle with a real player.

Y eso es. ¿Nos perdimos algo?? Asegúrate de hacérnoslo saber dejando un comentario a continuación..

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Earl es uno de esos jugadores que jugará casi cualquier juego nuevo.. Pero prefiere jugar FPS y juegos de mundo abierto..