Cómo habilitar la pantalla completa sin bordes en Neverwinter Nights: Edición mejorada

Tired of your game minimizing even though you’ve set the game to Borderless? Then this is the guide for you.

How to Enable Borderless Fullscreen

To start off with, exit the game. Then you need to locate «settings.tml» in your «Documents folder -> Nunca noches de invierno(desplácese hasta el final)» con «settings.tml» opened in notepad you need to find the section called «[graphics.window]»(usually found around line 184) and copy the section below which aligns with your desktop resolution.

For 1080p

mode = "windowed"
height = 1080
toggle-to-borderless = true
width = 1920
borderless = true
height = 1080
width = 1920
mode = "recordar"
x = 0
y = 0

For 1440p

mode = "windowed"
height = 1440
toggle-to-borderless = true
width = 2560
borderless = true
height = 1440
width = 2560
mode = "recordar"
x = 0
y = 0

For 4k

mode = "windowed"
height = 2160
toggle-to-borderless = true
width = 3840
borderless = true
height = 2160
width = 3840
mode = "recordar"
x = 0
y = 0

If that doesn’t do the trick there might be another step needed, depends on how your scaling works.

For the second step locate «Nwnmain.exe» and right click it; Propiedades -> Compatibility -> Change high DPI settings -> Override high DPI scaling behaviour -> Sistema.

«My settings in settings.tml are not being stored.»

Right click it and make sure it’s not set to Read-only.

«I can’t find nwnmain.exe.»

Botón derecho del ratón «Nunca noches de invierno» in your steam library and choose properties -> Local Files -> Explorar archivos locales. The file will be in «bin» -> «win32»

esta guía sobre Nunca noches de invierno: Edición mejorada fue escrito por Cradles. Puedes visitar la publicación original desde este Enlace. Si tiene alguna duda sobre esta guía, por favor no dude en comunicarse con nosotros aquí.

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