Hokko vida

Cómo hacer una copia de seguridad manual de tus partidas guardadas en Hokko Life

Hokko Life has its fair share of bugsone of which is file corruption when your game is closed incorrectly. This guide will teach you how to backup your saves in case something like this happens.


I’ve seen this issue a couple times:
All is well, playing Hokko Life, when the power goes out. Después, when the game is opened again, the save is «dañado».

There’s no fix I could find once this happens. The devs can’t recover your save and the «auto backups» don’t work (at least not for me.) This is frustrating, especially if you’ve gotten far. This is such a cute game though. I didn’t want to put it away just because of something so random. That’s why I figured out a way to manually backup my saves and I wanted to share it to anyone else worried about their saves being corrupted.

Nota al margen: I am aware there is an automatic way to do this but I haven’t figured it out yet. Feel free to help me out or correct me if I’m wrong with anything!


Antes que nada, you’re going to need to locate the folder with your Hokko Life saves in it. para hacerlo, you need to open File Explorer and head to Local Disk. próximo, open folders in the following order:

Usuarios > [Pick a user] > Datos de aplicación > Roaming > Wonderscope > Hokko vida > Guardar datos

Aquí, you’ll see folders labelled by number. These are your saves. They will vary from 01-03 depending on how many saves you have and in which file they were saved in.

Before we can backup the saves, sin embargo, we’ll need somewhere to put them. You can put them anywhere but I created a folder on my desktop and labelled it «Hokko Life Backups.» I suggest making it easy to access and find so that you can access it whenever you need to.

Now that’s out of the way, you can head back to your saves and copy whichever save you want to backup. Paste it into the folder you just created and now your save is safe! Hazzah!

How to Load The Backup

To load the saves you’ve backed up, all you have to do is:

  • Head to the folder you copied your save to
  • Copy the save
  • Head back to your Hokko Life saves
  • Paste and replace the save in that folder with the one from your back ups

And that should do it. All your previous data should be restored!

How Often Should I Backup?

Whenever you craft something, complete a quest, make a custom design, etcétera, I suggest backing up your save. Sin embargo, if you just walked around for a few minutes or left the game open, there’s not really a need to backup anything.

What Should I Do When Backing Up The Same Save?

When you want to backup the same save file multiple times, you’ll be prompted to replace the previous backup. I suggest doing this to avoid tampering with the files and confusion when loading them.

esta guía sobre Hokko vida fue escrito por woodchipperexists. Puedes visitar la publicación original desde este Enlace. Si tiene alguna duda sobre esta guía, por favor no dude en comunicarse con nosotros aquí.

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