
Cómo cambiar entre el diseño clásico y el nuevo de Facebook 2020

Facebook has launched a new Facebook layout design and they are currently rolling out for beta testing. It’s not clear if all Facebook users are getting the chance to test the new design. But you will receive a notification telling you to try their new design.

I am one of the users who received this notification and tested the new Facebook design. I personally use the new design for more than a week to get familiarized. Sin embargo, I still prefer to use the old design. Not only because I’m familiar with it, but because the navigation is much easier.

If you’re like me who wants to use the old Facebook layout than the beta design, here is the guide on how you can switch back to the old Facebook design.

How to Use the New Facebook Design 2020

In case you haven’t received the notification, you can still try doing a manual switching. Simplemente siga los pasos a continuación.

  1. Login to your Facebook account.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow at the top right of the navigation tab.
  3. Encuentra el «Switch to New Facebook» button located on top of the Log Out button.

Facebook Design 2020

Now that you’ve already switched to the Facebook beta design, you can now get the new interface and feature such as the dark mode.

How to Switch Back to Old Facebook Design 2020

For users who are not happy with the new design, you can still go back and use the classic Facebook interface. Para hacer esto,

  1. Login to your Facebook account.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow at the top right of the navigation tab.
  3. Encuentra el «Switch to Classic Facebook» button located on top of the Log Out button.

Facebook New Design 2020

Y eso es. You will be moving back to the classic Facebook interface and do the normal things that you’re doing.

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Amber es una joven autora autoeditada con posibilidades de escribir contenidos relacionados con juegos.. Cuando no está escribiendo o estudiando, juega su juego favorito, Super Mario..