LA JUSTICIA CHUPA: Acción táctica de vacío

LA JUSTICIA CHUPA: Controles tácticos del teclado de PC con acción de vacío

Are you planning to play as a robot vacuum cleaner on a quest for vengeance? Si es así, this guide will be showing you the complete list of Justice Sucks controls for Windows PC. LA JUSTICIA CHUPA: Tactical Vacuum Action is a stealth-action video game developed by Samurai Punk.


Antes de empezar, be reminded that you can change and remap the following Justice Sucks key bindings and shortcuts. You can remap these default controls by going to the Options menu > Controls tab > click the Customize Controls button.

Hack Modeq
Habilidad 11
Habilidad 22
Habilidad 33
Mover hacia atrásS
Mover hacia la izquierdaA
Mover a la derechaD
Modo normal
SuckBotón derecho del mouse
DispararBoton izquierdo del raton
Bocinazobarra espaciadora
Obrar recíprocamenteF
Hack Mode
Hack Trap / Seleccione un objetivoBoton izquierdo del raton
Ping TrapBotón derecho del mouse
Cancel ModeEsc
interfaz de usuario
Pestaña izquierdaq
Pestaña derechami
LA JUSTICIA CHUPA: Tactical Vacuum Action Controls

And this is everything that you need to learn about the default JUSTICE SUCKS: Tactical Vacuum Action key bindings and shortcuts. Feel free to let us know in the comments below if you have any suggestions to improve this guide.

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