Capítulo de una pieza 928 spoilers, predicciones, y fecha de lanzamiento

After the revelation about Orochi in Chapter 927 la semana pasada, there are a lot of exciting things that are about to happen in Capítulo de una pieza 928.

Before we start with our discussion, please be reminded that this post contains spoiler. If you don’t like getting spoiled, we recommend you to stop reading from here. If it doesn’t bother you at all, entonces aquí vamos.

Capítulo de una pieza 928 Spoilers y predicciones

During the few previous chapters, the story has been focused quite a lot on Luffy and the others and it seems like Chapter 928 is the time to highlight Sanji, franco, Ussop, and Robin. Como todos sabemos, Sanji did not get too much action in the Whole Cake Island Arc and maybe it’s about time for him to show his skills once again.

What we know right now is that the story shifts to the Flower Capital and I think Sanji is about to get the spotlight as the story moves on. En el capitulo anterior, we learned that the Shogun is having a banquet and there, he plans to make Komurasaki his forever. Robin was also in the banquet since she is one of the invited Geisha.

Sanji, Ussop, and Franky are also there to see the beauty of an oiran. Sin embargo, they don’t know that Queen has made his move by sending assassins to deal with them. En mi opinión, this could lead to an epic battle for Sanji and Queen in the future.

With the approaching danger, it’s clear that there will be a big chaos that will happen in Flower Capitan once the assassins arrive. Sanji is a powerful character and I think he can easily defeat the assassins.

From the previous chapter, we learned that Orochi can also transform into a dragon, which seems like another Mythical Zoan ability. While there’s a low chance that Chapter 928 will reveal Orochi’s appearance, we are still hoping that it will happen.

Capítulo de una pieza 928 Fecha de lanzamiento

As scheduled, Capítulo de una pieza 928 is set to release on Shonen Jump Issue #04 y #05. It’s a double issue due since there nothing released last week. Scans are expected to become available on December 21, 2018. Capítulo de una pieza 928 will officially return on December 24, 2018.

Featured Image: @ryanfavr

Sobre el Autor

Billy es un fanático del anime.. Le encanta leer manga y ver anime durante su tiempo libre.. Sus series de anime y manga favoritas son One Piece y Hunter x Hunter..