Asalto unido - Batalla de la protuberancia

Asalto unido – Controles del teclado de PC de Battle of the Bulge

Polygon Art and Enigma Entertainment have finally launched their newest war game, Asalto unido – Batalla de la protuberancia. The game has been set in 1944 and your task is to help your country win the war.

With all the threats that you’re about to face, you should equip yourself with the game’s basic knowledge before heading to the war. This guide will show you the complete list of United AssaultBattle of the Bulge controls to help you get started.

Asalto unido – Battle of the Bulge Controls

The following are the default United AssaultBattle of the Bulge key bindings. You can remap these default controls in the Keybindings section in the settings menu.

Mover hacia atrásS
Mover hacia la izquierdaA
Mover a la derechaD
Saltobarra espaciadora
AgacharseCtrl izquierdo
Magra izquierda
Inclinarse a la derecha
piqueShift izquierdo
FuegoBoton izquierdo del raton
ANUNCIOSBotón derecho del mouse
Rueda de armasBotón central del ratón
Obrar recíprocamenteF
Detonar dinamitaq
Arma primaria3
Arma secundaria4
Mostrar objetivos de la misiónPestaña
Command AIC
Toggle AI ModeV
Menú de pausaEsc
Asalto unido – Battle of the Bulge Controls

As you can see in the control list above, there are several actions that don’t have their default key bindings. We recommend that you visit the settings section to assign your desired keys to these actions.

Aparte del soporte para ratón y teclado, the developer has also confirmed that United AssaultBattle of the Bulge has full controller support. This is also shown on the official page of the game on Steam.

Asalto unido – Battle of the Bulge is now available on PC via Vapor.

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