Fortbyte Challenge 26 Location

Fortnite Fortbyte #26 Location: Accessible with Bunker Jonesy near a Snowy Bunker Guide

The new challenge that has been unlocked today is Fortbyte Challenge #26 which is called Accessible with Bunker Jonesy near a Snowy Bunker. In this article, we’re going to guide how to access and where to find the exact location of this challenge.

Fortbyte Challenge 26 Location Guide

Before you start a match, you first need to equip an outfit that can be unlocked at Tier 23 of the Season Battle Pass. The outfit is called Bunker Jonesy, who is the face that we saw during the introduction of Season 9. Once you’re set, all you need to do is drop on the islet near Happy Hamlet.

Fortnite Jonesy Outfit

Once you get there, you will find a small shack and a bunker. Head and go inside the small shack and from there, you will find the chip that you can collect to complete the challenge.

Fortbyte Challenge 26 Location

If you haven’t completed all the previous Fortbyte challenges, we recommend checking out our Fortnite guides from this link.

About the author

Earl is one of those gamers who will play almost any new games. But he more prefers playing FPS and open world games.