Salle de bagarre – Liste de tous les combos de cordes non armés

Unarmed strings in Brawlhalla refer to a sequence of connected attacks that are executed without the use of weapons. Dessous, you will find a selection of popular unarmed string combos to try out.

Unarmed Strings Combos

Combiné 1: Lumière vers le bas (DLight) > Lumière latérale (Léger) > Air latéral (Sortir)

Initiate the combo by performing a Down Light attack (Vers le bas + Attaque légère).
Follow up swiftly with a Side Light attack (Side + Attaque légère).
Continue the combo by executing a Side Air attack (Saut + Side + Attaque légère).

Combiné 2: Lumière latérale (Léger) > Lumière vers le bas (DLight) > Récupération (Saut + En haut + Attaque légère)

Begin with a Side Light attack (Side + Attaque légère).
Immediately proceed with a Down Light attack (Vers le bas + Attaque légère).
Conclude the combo by performing a Recovery move (Saut + En haut + Attaque légère) to launch the opponent upwards.

Combiné 3: Lumière vers le bas (DLight) > Récupération (Saut + En haut + Attaque légère)

Commence the combo by utilizing a Down Light attack (Vers le bas + Attaque légère).
Swiftly follow up with a Recovery move (Saut + En haut + Attaque légère).

Remember that Brawlhalla offers dynamic and fast-paced gameplay, and your ability to string attacks together effectively will improve through practice. These examples provide a starting point for unarmed strings, but feel free to experiment and create your own combinations by chaining different attacks together.

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