Guide pas à pas des réalisations de Brushwood Buddies

This guide will be showing you how to get all Brushwood Buddies achievements.



What a cute rabbit!

Just kill a rabbit


…qui sont intensifiés rapidement.

Make a meat

The Explorer

Unlock every item shown in the recipe book.

The Modder

Load and play a user-made scenario. Vérifie ça placer for more information.

Wishing Well

It doesn’t work for a reason.

Combiner “Bien” avec “pièces de monnaie”

Thriller Night

You know it’s a thriller, thriller night! Have a zombie and a werewolf on the same boardbut how is that possible?

The Challenger

Earn a gold medal in every challenging scenario.


Find and destroy Gravedigger’s most hated item in his presence. Conseil: Vacuum cleaners aren’t available.

Lady Turnip

Find and destroy the Turnip Lady’s most hated item in her presence. Conseil: Probably infectious.


Find and destroy Woodie’s most hated item in his presence. Conseil: Burying it doesn’t work.


Find and destroy the Witch’s most hated item in her presence. Conseil: Capitalism?


Find and destroy the Machicken’s most hated item in his presence. Conseil: That will keep them out of mischief.

Aimé / hated items

Liked items:


Destroying, Viande, Cooked Meat, Poisson, Cooked Fish

Turnip Lady:

Pomme, Cooked Apple, Insects, Cooked Insects, Poisson, Cooked Fish


Argent, Silver Ingot, Or, Gold Ingot, Clous, Pièces de monnaie, Cendre, Zombi, Butin, Corps


Zombi, Kettle, Bouteille, Glitch Potion, Potion de vie, Necro Potion, Shield Breaking Potion, Poisoned Potion, Feuille


Pièces de monnaie, Wand, Spellbooks (tous), Evil Mushroom, Lapin, Araignée, Loup-garou, Zombi, Elemental Spear

Hated items:


Cendre, Zombi

Turnip Lady:

Destroying, Cendre, Zombi, Evil Mushroom


Destroying, Araignée, Potion de vie


Destroying, Pièces de monnaie


Destroying, Viande, Cooked Meat, Wildcat

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