Défendre la Tour

Défendre le guide des connaissances de base du débutant Rook

Before you dive into the world of Defend the Rook, here are some of the basic knowledge that you should know first.

Defend the Rook Glossary

Player Units

Player Units – Héros, Contraptions, Tours, and the Rook,


Du pouvoir The amount of damage dealt in an attack.

Mouvement The amount of tiles this unit can move.

Gamme The distance in tiles this unit can attack.

Armure The amount of times this unit can move.

Santé When health reaches zero, the unit is destroyed.


Commun Gives the Unit/Contraption a small Bonus Effect.

Rare Gives the Unit/Contraption a strong Bonus Effect.

Épique Gives the Unit/Contraption an incredibly powerful Bonus Effect.

Combat Effects

Immobile Cannot move or be moved.

Agile Can move through all units and blocked tiles.

Massive Takes up more than 1 tuile. Cannot move or be moved.

Étourdi Cannot move or attack this turn. Gains Stun Immunity next Turn.

Stun Immunity Cannot be Stunned this Turn.

Furtivité Untargetable by enemies. Can still be hit by Splash Damage.

Radius Hits (X) tiles in a cross around the initial target.

Raillerie Will prioritize the unit that applied Taunt until the end of the round.

Tauntend Will prioritize the unit that applied Taunt until the end of the round.

Rooted Cannot move this turn.

Chaine de lumière Applies all Chain Lightning effects, then jumps to the closest viable target that hasn’t already been hit within a 2 tile Radius and repeat.

Ememy Behaviour

Standard Prioritize the closest valid enemy target.

Chasseur Prioritize Heroes, then Contraptions, then the Rook.

Destructeur Prioritize Contraptions, then Heroes, then the Rook.

Relentless Prioritizes the Rook.

Elusive Prioritizes attacking at the furthest distance possible.

Défenseur Prioritizes standing adjacent to another allied unit.

Percher Prioritizes moving to an empty blocked tile. Une fois là, it will gain increased range but loses all movement.

Fuir Prioritizez moving to the end of the board. If they reach the end of the Board, they are removed from the Board.

Partir Removed from the Board after (X) amount of turns.

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