Dinogène en ligne – Guide complet des mods

Quick guide to start modding Dinogen Online.


Anyone can start modding Dinogen Online! Make sure you have the latest version of the game installed.

Game Directory

Navigate to the game assets directory. You can right-click Dinogen Online in your Steam library and click Gérer > Parcourir les fichiers locaux.

The default directory is:

<STEAM PATH>\steamapps\common\Dinogen Online

Game assets are located in the assets annuaire.


Audio files are stored in the sounds annuaire.

Audio files must be in MP3 format.

Graphique & Animations

All graphics and animations are located in the images annuaire.

Download the latest Modding Tools from ici.

You will need Adobe Animate to open .fla files.


Open the desired file in Adobe Animate
Select all required MovieClips
Right-clickGenerate Sprite Sheet

In the Generate Sprite Sheet dialog, use the following settings:

  • Image dimensions<Auto size>
  • Image format<PNG 32 bit>
  • Background color<transparent>
  • Algorithm<MaxRects>
  • Data format<JSON>
  • <Trim> et <Stack frames> activé
  • Border padding0px
  • Shape padding1px

Browse to the applicable file in the assets/images annuaire
Cliquez sur Exporter


If you encounter any visual problems after using exported files, make sure you included
all required files before generating sprite sheet. You can verify by comparing the
unmodified game files.

New Files

If you want to load new files into the game (rather than modifying existing ones), add them to preload.json.

Note that preload.json only supports audio files at this time.

Specify the taperidentifiant, et chemin in preload.json:

{ "taper": "l'audio", "identifiant": "customVoiceClip", "chemin": "customCampaign/customVoiceClip.mp3" }

Assets referenced to preload.json are stored in the assets/custom annuaire. In the above example, customVoiceClip would be located in assets/custom/customCampaign/customVoiceClip.mp3 and referenced to as customVoiceClip in game.


You can reference these custom files in custom scenarios, such as adding new voice clips for NPCs and mission objectives.

Sharing and Installing Mods

Use ModDB to submit and browse mods ici.

Partage de modules
Create a zip archive of the modded assets directory (only including the modified files).

Installing Mods
After downloading the mod zip, simply extract the contents to the Dinogen Online assets directory. The modded files will overwrite the existing game files.

Removing Mods

If you want to remove/uninstall a mod, simply right-click Dinogen Online in your Steam libraryPropriétés > Fichiers locaux > Vérifier l'intégrité des fichiers du jeu. This will reinstall the original game files.

Ce guide sur Dinogène en ligne a été écrit par Wilkin. Vous pouvez visiter la publication originale à partir de ce lien. Si vous avez des inquiétudes concernant ce guide, n'hésitez pas à nous joindre ici.

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