Nains: Gloire, Mise à jour de la mort et du butin 1.3.0 Notes de mise à jour

Dans la dernière mise à jour (Version 1.3.0) pour le jeu Nains: Gloire, Mort et butin, plusieurs changements et correctifs importants ont été introduits en octobre 16, 2023. One significant alteration is related to the ‘Scarab Brooch,’ which will now be destroyed after 3 les usages, ensuring a balanced gameplay experience. En outre, the shield duration has been extended from 5 à 10 secondes, making it more effective in protecting your character.

Par ailleurs, the update addresses a bug that was affecting the ‘Ragtagformation. Players will now see stat changes from items correctly displayed, enhancing their ability to strategize and optimize their characters. Dernièrement, a bug involving dragons not attacking correctly has been resolved, improving the overall game performance and ensuring a smoother gaming experience for all players.

Nains: Gloire, Mise à jour de la mort et du butin 1.3.0 Notes de mise à jour

  • ‘Scarab Broochwill now correctly be destroyed after 3 les usages. Shield duration increased from 5 à 10 secondes.
  • Fixed a bug where stat changes from items were not correctly displayed when using ‘Ragtagformation
  • Fixed a bug where dragons would not attack correctly

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