Programme Dyson Sphère

Mise à jour du programme Dyson Sphère Notes de mise à jour

Developer Youthcat Studio has rolled out the newest Dyson Sphere Program update The new update addressed some of the known bugs in the game.

Following the update that was released yesterday, it seems that the developer immediately noticed the bugs that started appearing in the previous update. And without any time wasted, they quickly fixed the issues.

Below are the details of the new patch that has been released today.

Mise à jour du programme Dyson Sphère

  • Fixed a bug that the mass copied Sorters may not connect correctly because of the optimized collision frame in [7178] mettre à jour.
  • Fixed a bug that some conveyor belt intersections could not be connected.
  • Fixed a bug that when the maximum capacity of Logistic Station, the drone may still flied without any item with it.

A propos de l'auteur

Earl fait partie de ces joueurs qui joueront à presque tous les nouveaux jeux. Mais il préfère jouer aux FPS et aux jeux en monde ouvert.