Élypse – Guide de réalisation du chercheur d’or

This guide shows where you can find all Crystals during your playthrough.

Chasm of the Damned (1-5)

Crystal Location 1:

Crystal Location 2:

Crystal Location 3:

To get this one you will have to jump to the right and use your celestial pulse to get that extra height advantage.

Crystal Location 4:

This one is located at the bottom right, keep hugging the wall and you will find an entrance.

Crystal Location 5:

Abyssal Caverns (6-10)

Crystal Location 6:

Crystal Location 7:

Crystal Location 8:

Crystal Location 9:

Crystal Location 10:

Forgotten Sanctuary (11-12)

Crystal Location 11:

Crystal Location 12:

The Crystal is located above the entrance on the left.

Surface (13-17)

Crystal Location 13:

Crystal Location 14:

Crystal Location 15:

Crystal Location 16:

Crystal Location 17:

Nokron Tower (18-21)

Crystal Location 18:

Crystal Location 19:

Crystal Location 20:

Crystal Location 21:

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