Fil fantôme: Tokyo

Fil fantôme: Guide de localisation du jeu de sauvegarde de Tokyo

Following the announcement in 2019, Bethesda Softworks has finally released its newest action-FPS video game Ghostwire: Tokyo. The game is set in an almost post-apocalyptic world with players be working to unveil the truth behind the disappearance of the population in Tokyo.

Fil fantôme: Tokyo is currently available on PC and PlayStation. While players in PlayStation will have to worry less about their save game progress being corrupted, it’s a different case for PC players. In a recent report, PC players have been expressing their dismay as they save game data are being corrupted for an unknown reason. The developer hasn’t answered it yet but the common reason for a corrupted Ghostwire: Tokyo save game is the improper shutdown of the PC or the game itself. Alors, how do PC players prevent this kind of issue?

Bien, the only option left is to manually backup the Ghostwire: Tokyo save data files. Alors dans ce guide, we’ll show you where to find the Ghostwire: Tokyo save files.

Where is the Ghostwire: Tokyo Save File Located?

The save file of Ghostwire: Tokyo is well-hidden in your computer. For you to backup your progress, you need to go into this directory:

C:\Utilisateurs<Nom d'utilisateur>\Saved Games\TangoGameworks\GhostWire Tokyo (VAPEUR)\Saved\SaveGames

You can also get into that directory by using the Run Command of your computer. Simply type %UserProfile% and the directory will be opened immediately.

If you’re planning to edit your save game, nous vous recommandons vivement de créer d'abord une copie de sauvegarde du fichier d'origine. This will be your life saver in case something unwanted happens while you’re editing your save game. Aussi, consultez notre Fil fantôme: Tokyo controls guide if you’re just getting started in the game.

Fil fantôme: Tokyo Save Game Download

For those who are looking for the Ghostwire: Tokyo 100% completion save game, tu peux visitez ce lien to download the save game for free.

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