Comment personnaliser le personnage du joueur dans GearBlocks

Did you know you can choose your player character? Or create your own custom character? Voici comment.

Choosing a Player Character

Depuis le menu principal, enter the CHARACTER filtrer. Then select one of the character constructions, et cliquez sur le “Toggle Selected Construction” bouton:

REMARQUE: A small icon will appear next to the character that has been toggled on.

Now when you begin a game, your selected character will appear:

Creating a Custom Character

Build and paint your character, using body parts (or other parts if you like):

REMARQUE: Only body parts will be animated, non-body parts can be attached, but they will just follow the body parts they’re attached to (par exemple. via physics joints).

Now save it using the construction menu (target it and hold Left Shift + Q, et cliquez sur le “Save Construction” bouton). Enter a name (and description if you like), et entrez “personnage” as a tag, then click the Save button:

REMARQUE: You must tag the save with “personnage” in order to be able to select it as your player.

Choosing a Custom Character

Allez à la CHARACTER filtrer, et sélectionnez le “locally saved” languette. Then select your saved character construction, et cliquez sur le “Toggle Selected Construction” bouton:

Now when you begin a game, your custom character will appear:

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