Comment modifier la carte dans Project Playtime

This guide aims to provide instructions on how to relocate various elements within the game, including Puzzle Pillars, Lockers, Grapple Handles, Dash Handles, Toy Machine Deposits, Player Deposit Holes(?), and Crash Doors. It is important to note that modifying the game map can be a time-consuming process, and it is primarily recommended for those who are playing with friends.


  • Universal Unreal Engine Unlocker (UUU)
  • Amis (conseillé)
  • Enough time
  • Mains

How to download UUU and use it:

How to install:

  • Installer le moteur Unreal universel

How to open:

  1. Open PROJECT: Playtime
  2. Ouvrez UUUClient.exe (Moteur irréel universel)
  3. Select Project Playtime as the process that the dll should be injected in
  4. Now it should look like this:
  5. Presse “Injecter la DLL”
  6. Basculer vers l'onglet Project Playtime
  7. NOW host a game

It’s important that you first inject the dll and then host a game.

How to open the console:

Appuyez sur la touche qui se trouve dans votre configuration (Je recommande d'utiliser la virgule)

Now you should have everything you need a start.

How to edit the map

  1. Open PROJECT: Playtime, inject the dll and host a game
  2. Open the console and type in pause (Now the game is paused so it won’t start)
  3. Open the console again and type in activer/désactiver la caméra de débogage (Now you are able to fly with the camera. Use WASD to move.)
  4. To destroy an object point at it and type in destroytarget
  5. To summon an object type in one of these commands:
  6. summon BP_PuzzlePillar_C (Puzzle Pillar)
  7. summon BP_PullDownDoor_C (Crash Door)
  8. summon BP_ToyMachineDeposit_C (Toy Machine Deposit)
  9. summon BP_Locker_C (Port-A-Lounge)
  10. summon BP_WhackAWuggySpawnPoint_C (The holes what the Wuggies get out)
  11. summon BP_NetworkDashHandle_C (Dash Handle; Avertissement: some Dash Handles are impossible to destroy)
  12. summon BP_NetworkSwingHandle_C (Grapple Handle)
  13. summon BP_WormholeEntrance_C (Player Deposit Hole (?))
  14. After you finished type in activer/désactiver la caméra de débogage
  15. Open the console again and type in pause (Now the game is unpaused)
  16. Now you will notice that a nameless player joined the game. He is a bug.
  17. Wait until 6 other people joined
  18. Type in toggledebugcamera. If everything went right you will be this nameless player. DON’T move with him.
  19. Now you have only 10 secondes. Type in toggledebugcamera.
  20. Wait the game to start
  21. C'est ça. Jouer le jeu.
  22. After the game ends, quitter. It won’t work another time. If you want to play it again, host another game.

Remarques: You can destroy other objects too but they will still be visible to other players.

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