Guide pas à pas des réalisations de Stillwater

This guide will show you how to unlock all achievements in the game.

Guide pas à pas des réalisations de Stillwater

Options-> Skip -> Unseen text, after choices
Hold CTRL to skip text

During the investigation scenes enable object highlight by pressing “?” in top-right corner and click on all the items to progress

(Where It All Begins)
-sauvegarder 1-
Take the case
Enable object highlight by pressing “?”
Click all highlighted objects
-sauvegarder 2-
Go to the painting
(Beyond the Painting)

-Charger 2-
Dont go to the painting
-sauvegarder 3-
Take the locket
(Case closed)

-Charger 3-
Leave the locket
(A Mermaid’s Tale)

-Charger 1-
Reject the case
(Pulling Strings)

Take the case
Dont go to the painting
Take the locket
(In the Dead of Night)
(Thank You For Playing!)

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