Randonnée à Yomi

Randonnée à Yomi – Tous les emplacements d'artefacts dans le chapitre 1

There are lots of things that you can do while playing Trek to Yomi. One of these is collecting all artifacts that are scattered around the map. If you’re still in Chapter 1 and haven’t found or collected all artifacts in the game, ce guide vous montrera où les trouver.

Chapitre 1 Emplacements des artefacts

Il y a au total 7 artifacts in the first chapter of the game. Below are the locations of these artifacts that you can collect while you continue your journey in Trek to Yomi.

Artefact #1

The first artifact can be found just behind the very first house where you completed the training.

Artefact #2

The second artifact is located inside the building after you move the cart. Just get close to the circled area to interact and pick up the artifact.

Artefact #3

The next artifact that we’re going to collect can be found at the first shrine. Go through the building on the left side and talk to the NPC outside. After speaking with the NPC, he will give you the artifact.

Artefact #4

For the fourth artifact, take a left in the wooden building you go through in the garden. Une fois là, you will see two buckets. Get close to the bucket on the left side and you will be able to see and pick up the artifact.

Artefact #5

The fifth artifact can be found behind a wooden fence close to a shrine on a slope, just after you fight your first enemies in the game.

Artefact #6

The sixth artifact can be found inside the first building in the village. You can pick it up beside the body lying on the ground.

Artefact #7

Le dernier et dernier artefact du chapitre 1 can be found lying on a tombstone. Take a right in the fields once you get out of the village. Proceed until you reach the end cemetery.

Toutes nos félicitations! Vous avez pu trouver tous les 7 artefacts dans le chapitre 1 de Trek à Yomi. Vous avez maintenant un total de 53 artefacts restants à collecter tout au long du jeu.

Are you ready to continue this Trek to Yomi artifact hunting? Si c'est le cas, you can follow and refer to our Trek au chapitre de Yomi 2 artifact locations guide.

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