Peu sûr

Commandes de clavier PC dangereuses

Unsafe is a co-op horror game developed and published by OnSkull Games. The game features up to four players. This game features a lot of controls, which is why you should get familiar with the basic actions in the game. Dans ce guide, we will show you the complete list of Unsafe controls to help you and your team beat the game.

Unsafe Controls

Be reminded that you can change the default Unsafe keybindings in the settings section of the game.

Se déplacer à gaucheUN
Déplacer vers la droite
BiopulseBouton droit de la souris
Utiliser l'outilBouton gauche de la souris
Lacher un objetQ
Outil (Solo)1
Appuyer pour parlerV
Lampe de pocheF
Keyboard and Mouse Controls

And this is everything you need to know about the default Unsafe controls and shortcuts. What do you think about the keybindings of the game? Faites-nous savoir dans la section commentaire ci-dessous.

Speaking of controls, have you already checked the Wars and Roses controls for PC? Assurez-vous de le vérifier!

A propos de l'auteur

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