Chasseur tribal

Où trouver tous les cours de vol de Kitora dans Tribal Hunter

Ce guide se concentrera sur l’affichage de l’emplacement de chacun des emplacements du cours de vol de Kitora.. Utile pour le succès Flight Course Master! Ce guide est à jour pour la version


Bienvenue dans ce guide! I made this guide since I’ve noticed quite a few people asking in discussions where are some of Kitora’s flight courses, especially after they bumped the number from 4 à 8. Even I had to scratch my head to figure out some of these locations by myself. Pour être honnête, some of them are hidden in some pretty mean spots.

Since this guide will show some of the game’s later locationsthis guide could contain minor spoilers. As long as you are fine with this, feel free to continue.

Rappel: After you’ve talked to Kitora at a specific location and unlocked a new course, you can try all the ones you’ve unlocked by talking to Kitora at the Village, found at this location on the map.

Piglands Course

Zone: Piglands
Screen TitleKitora’s Staging Grounds (Accessible from Mountain Path)
This is the first time you should meet with Kitora, located in a small area accessible from the Mountain Path, even before the wall block.

The Gooey Lift

Zone: Slime Caverns
Screen TitleCaverns 9

The Crystal Tower

Zone: Crystal Mines
Screen Title: Crystal Mines 5

Pirate’s Roost

Zone: Shark Beach
Screen TitleJack’s Resort (Accessible from Plage 5: Bombardement)

Ghostly Maze

Zone: Shadowlands
Screen TitleShadowlands 9: Eastern Residential District

Honey Swarm

Zone: Giant Hive
Screen TitleHive 7: Inner Hive

This one especially is quite evil for its placement, since unlike all the other ones, you access it from behind a secret wall on the right of the bottom of the screennear the entrance to it from Hive 6.

Frigid Canyon

Zone: Sacred Mountains
Screen TitleFrigid Mountains 6: Icy Pit

Darkdread’s Gauntlet

Zone: Château
Screen TitleChâteau 6: Dragon’s Den

Ce guide sur Chasseur tribal a été écrit par Samiversal. Vous pouvez visiter la publication originale à partir de ce lien. Si vous avez des inquiétudes concernant ce guide, n'hésitez pas à nous joindre ici.

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