Où trouver tous les sites miniers dans Tales of Autumn

A simple guide with all ore deposits on the map.

All Ores

Quick reference for all available drops from mining ore.

Stone Value: 0

Silver Gem Value: 3

Black Gem Value: 4

Pink Gem Value: 4

Red Gem Value: 5

Orange Gem Value: 4

Peach Gem Value: 4

Yellow Gem Value: 3

Green Gem Value: 4

Navy Gem Value: 4

All Ore Locations

All ore types can be found in all maps, Je crois. I suspect certain colors are more likely in different locations (ex. black ore in the dunes) but haven’t been able to confirm it.

There are three ore nodes in the Northeast corner of the Swamp.

Two ore nodes are unlockable in the West area of the Forest, next to the Ruins. Pour accéder à cet espace, you must first remove a large stump blocking the entrance.

There are two ore nodes in the Southeast corner of the Dunes.

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