Où trouver toutes les bobines dans LIGHT: Chat noir & Fille amnésique

Ce guide vous montrera où trouver toutes les bobines dans LIGHT: Chat noir & Fille amnésique. Finding all reels will also unlock an achievement in the game. Il y a au total 16 Reels caché tout au long du jeu. Si vous en manquez pendant votre partie, le jeu vous permet de rejouer les chapitres et de trouver les objets de collection manquants. Pour faciliter, J'ai également répertorié les chapitres dans lesquels chaque objet de collection apparaît.

Bobine #1

Chapitre 1

In the room full of crates where youre evading the man, beside the door is a small opening to a vent. Go inside and around the corner of the vent to find the first reel.

Bobine #2

Chapitre 1

After jumping over the bookshelves in the library, pass through the vent. This reel is clearly visible when jumping down the shelves on the walls.

Bobine #3

Chapitre 1

In the room where you have to create a certain sequence of crystals in the adjacent room, there will be a board with a separate sequence of crystals which will give you a reel. The solution to this is to make a blue square, a red triangle, a green diamond and finally a blue triangle in that order. Une fois que tu as fait ça, just press the red button one more time and your 3rd reel will fall out.

Bobine #4

Chapitre 1

After the boss fight, exit the room back into the long hallway and make a right. You will see the 4th reel behind a serving tray. Wheel it backwards to make a path and reach reel #4.

Bobine #5

Chapitre 2

Once you meet the wolf for the first time, after he runs away, look to your left and youll see the 5th reel hanging in a cage ahead of you. Take the axe from the hanging mannequin’s head and cut the rope. The cage will fall and you can grab the reel.

Bobine #6

Chapitre 2

After leaving the girl and jumping over the river, you will see the next reel on a podium ahead of you. In order to collect this, you must first let the girl through the gate by pressing the floor switch down and allowing her to walk through. Après ça, you can run back and collect the 6th reel with her.

Bobine #7

Chapitre 2

Upon entering the room after solving the light cube puzzle, you will see this large unmovable cube. Push the light cube down from the ledge and charge it up. Push the cube onto the pressure plate, and the 7th reel will be revealed to you behind the large cube. Quickly grab it before the timer runs out! (If it does, just charge the cube up again and have another go.)

Bobine #8

Chapitre 2

Inside the long room with 6 wolf statues, go to the far left wall and youll see the next reel at the other end of the room.

Bobine #9

Chapitre 3

After pushing the heavy sack off the edge of the scaffolding, jump down and find the next reel in a small cubby beneath you.

Bobine #10

Chapitre 3

À l'intérieur de la pièce avec les puzzles du pont du minuteur, flip the orange and blue levers and head straight across the bridge to the other side. Tu’ll come across a small broken down wooden area. Go inside the doorway and turn left, jumping on top of some crates and shelves. Follow the path around and down to the next reel.

Bobine #11

Chapitre 3

Inside the room with the large cobweb that blocks your way, go through the gap in the wall beneath the graffiti of the spider. There you will find reel #11.

Bobine #12

Chapitre 3

Tu’ll find the next reel inside the room with the cart switching mechanic. Drag the nearby crate over to the shelves. De là, you can parkour up the shelves and reach the reel.

Bobine #13

Chapitre 4

After going up the dumbwaiter a second time, quickly jump out and into the crevice below the floorboards. Tu’ll see the reel as you run past, but first you must kill the man. Stand on the platform, shoot him with the lights and then, once the girl breaks out of the dumbwaiter, be sure to run back under the floorboards and grab the reel.

Bobine #14

Chapitre 4

After defeating the wolf for the last time, cross the makeshift bridge the girl makes you and hang a right. You will see this reel at the other end of the hallway, where the wolf broke through the wall.

Bobine #15

Chapitre 4

Outrun the woman until you slide down a slope and make a jump for the ledge. After passing through the door ahead of you, immediately on your right is a cart. Jump up the cart and you will find the next reel.

Bobine #16

Chapitre 4

After escaping the woman running towards you in the abyss area, you will enter the next room where youll see the final reel. Tu’ll be forced into a cutscene, but once you blast the woman with your light, tu’ll be able to grab the 16th and final reel. Bravo!

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