Guide du Gunslinger pour débutants de World War Z

This guide will give you the advantages, disadvantages and gameplay tips of the gunslinger class and will show you all the perks and prestige perks of this class.

Gunslinger Class Overview

The Gunslinger is a class that demonstrates exceptional skill in combat using firearms. This class focuses on effectively subduing enemies with a variety of firearms while emphasizing weapon gameplay and aiming abilities.

The starting weapon for this class is the Compact SMG and the equipment is the Frag Grenade.


  • Firearms Proficiency The central focus of the Gunslinger is the ability to use all types of firearms effectively.
  • Avantages des armes Many of the class’s advantages are geared towards enhancing weapons and weapon gameplay.
  • Starting Weapons Gunslingers may start with better-equipped firearms, providing a swift start.


  • Limited Defense Abilities The Gunslinger’s defense abilities might be restricted, making tactical choices important.
  • Close Combat Challenges Due to limited close combat skills, caution is advised in close-range situations.
  • Character Enhancement As the Gunslinger’s abilities are generally firearm-oriented, character enhancement may be limited.

Gameplay Tips

  • Aiming While Moving One of the Gunslinger’s starting advantages is the ability to maintain weapon accuracy while in motion.
  • Recoil Control Managing weapon recoil while firing rapidly assists in more effective aiming.
  • Explosive Usage Using a grenade as equipment is handy for effectively controlling groups of zombies.

The Gunslinger class is an ideal choice for players aspiring to be skilled warriors with firearms. By improving your aiming skills, you can effectively subdue enemies and contribute to your team.

Perks List

Prestige Rank Perks

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