This page offers the complete list of Gedonia controls and shortcuts for Windows PC. Gedonia is a classic and open-world RPG developed and published by Kazakov Oleg. The game is now available for download on PC via Steam.
Gedonia Controls
The following are the default Gedonia key bindings. These default controls can be changed and remapped in Keybindings section found inside the Options menu.
Action | Key |
Action 1 | 1 |
Action 2 | 2 |
Action 3 | 3 |
Action 4 | 4 |
Action 5 | 5 |
Action 6 | 6 |
Action 7 | 7 |
Horse | 8 |
Action 8 | Q |
Action 9 | E |
Jump | Spacebar |
Menu | Esc |
Intentory | I |
Character | C |
Skills | B |
Auto Run | Num Lock |
Attack | Left Mouse Button |
Secondary Attack | Right Mouse Button |
Forward | W |
Backward | S |
Left | A |
Right | D |
Map | M |
Quick Save | F5 |
Quick Load | F7 |
Focus | Tab |
Holster | Z |
Reputations | N |
Journal | J |
Interact | F |
Dodge | Left Shift |
Sprint | Left Ctrl |
Companions Control | V |
Switch Weapon | Middle Mouse Button |
Action 10 | R |
Action 11 | T |
Hide UI | O |
Sit / Descend | X |
This concludes our Gedonia controls guide. Good luck, adventurer!