This is a Guide about the 100% achievement in Grounded that requires to have ALL Gold Cards
Hello everyone ! This is my first guide ever and the reason that i am making it is because had to look for tips about how to farm the Gold Cards in the game .There are scattered information in other guides, Google search and YouTube videos.I am asking you to understand that English is not my native language so there might be some mistakes.
To begin with, I completed the game in co-op mode with a friend knowing the achievement Super Win which requires to have ALL the collectibles and stuff ( SEE OTHER GUIDES ) ,but after update 1.3 the game also needs to have all the Gold Cards ,which was really hard and grindy.
The Gold Cards have a percentage drop(go check on google there are discussions for more info) around :
~1% for Creatures
10% for Bosses
5% for Infected Broodmother
100% for unique Bosses and if you kill every last one of the RUZ.T, ARC.R, and TAYZ.T
So my advise is to finish the game normally with the difficulty you want and do all the collectibles and fights the way you enjoy the game because now the pain begins. I warn you this challenge is not for the faint of heart and there are going to be a lot tries and resets to take claim the Card you chase.
THERE ARE GOING TO BE SPOILERS so if want avoid them go and finish the game first!
So lets begin!
General Tips
- Change the difficulty to MILD
This is going to help you farm significantly faster the mobs you hunt and save a lot of time (also the game doesn’t punish you for the difficult setting) - Waft Emitter is the GOAT of farming Gold Cards.One important thing is that you can farm Raw Science so you can duplicate items and Boss Baits.
Best place is the JavaMatic defense ground the one from the mission cause those Raw science devises never brake and take aggro from the mobs.Also if you place one to close to your base the flying creatures are going to target the base ( believe me its not pleasant 12 moths attacking your home ) - Roam a lot and learn the spawn points for the most of creatures.This will be make you efficient for rare mobs and also it’s a good looting method.Use the scanner at the labs and outposts to help you find the places you need to look for.
- Build a Mage load out (search for builds in google or YouTube) and a Melee one (my preference is the Sour Battle-Axe extreme damage and stun for most creatures)
- Learn how to Cheat Save-Load!The creatures in this game work with a spawn chance of having the item you want that means the Gold Cards too.I will explain as much simply as i can.
1.Kill the mob you are chasing.
2.Save regularly going back and forth at the spot that spawns the creature.
3.Comeback at the spawn and see the mob.
4.Reload a previous save till the mob isn’t there
5.Stay at the spot for some time waiting and saving.
6.Go about 200 cm away from the spot and the mob must have respawn.
7.Kill it and if you take the Gold Card continue with your life,if not load go 200 cm away to spawn it and repeat till you get the Gold Card. - For the bosses see guides for builds and tricks there are plenty and use Baits either crafting them or duplicating them.
For solo players farming is easy cause you can load every time you want.My tip for co-op players is to farm together the Waft Emitter cause it’s super easy and quick and then split the Cheat load files (Grounded did an amazing job with share world saves) till one of you gets the card then reshare the save file and everyone should have the Gold Card the other found.
Tips For Neutral
- Use Waft or go to their nest.
Parts spawn both workers and soldier ants. - Use Waft or go to their nest.
Parts spawn both workers and soldier ants. - Use Waft or roam.
Parts spawn both ladybugs and ladybirds - Use Waft or roam.
- Only at night near the water areas.
- Use Waft or roam.
Parts spawn both slick and regular roly poly - Use Waft or roam.
Parts spawn both slick and regular roly poly - Use Waft or roam.
Tips For Angry
- Use Waft or go to their nest.
Parts spawn both workers and soldier ants. - Roam there are places they gather
- Use Waft or go to their nest.
- Inside the labs kill all of them
- In the pond just hunt them
- Use Waft or roam
Parts spawn both Orb Weaver and Weaver Jr. - Every spider nest the sacks
Best place is the Hedge lab and the frisbee - Use Waft or go to their nest.
Parts spawn both workers and soldier ants. - Inside the labs kill all of them
- Inside the labs kill all of them
- Use Waft or roam near water areas
Parts spawn both regular and tiger - Use Waft or roam
- Use Waft or roam
- Use Waft or roam
- Use Waft or roam
- Use Waft or roam
- Use Waft or roam
Parts spawn both stinkbug and green shield bug - Use Waft or roam
Parts spawn both Orb Weaver and Weaver Jr. - Inside the pond
- Use Waft or roam
- Use Waft or roam
- Use Waft or go to their nest.
Parts spawn both workers and soldier ants. - Use Waft or go to their nest.
Parts spawn both workers and soldier ants. - Roam there are places they gather
- Use Waft or go to their nest.
- Use Waft or roam
- Use Waft or go to their nest.
- Use Waft or go to their nest.
- Use Waft or go to their nest.
This is rare mob spawning every 24 hours or something.My tips is to fill the Waft with 3 Termite King Carapace and the rest with simple termite parts.
Now save.
Activate the Waft.If you see lots of soldiers and workers load.If you see 1 worker there will be 1 King too so slay it . Repeat to load till you get the Card. - Use Waft or roam
- Use Waft or roam.
Parts spawn both ladybugs and ladybirds - Use Waft or roam
Parts spawn both stinkbug and green shield bug - Use the Cheat Load technique i mentioned in the general tips.
Best spot to do this is under the Oak tree using a zip line to do the 200 cm quickly. - Use Waft or roam
- Inside the pond at the Moldorc castle
- Use Waft or roam near water areas
Parts spawn both regular and tiger - Roam there are places they gather
- Every Black Widow spider nest the sacks.
Or using the Waft the Widow will spawn 1 or 2 but better at the nests - Use Waft or roam
- Use Waft or roam
For this one i am not completely sure but i think the Wasp Queen spawns them too.Bosses - Story 100% drop
- Use the bait and repeat till you get it no easy way here
- Story 100% drop
- Use the bait and repeat till you get it no easy way here
- Story 100% drop
- Use the bait and repeat till you get it no easy way here
- Use the bait and repeat till you get it no easy way here
- Just peep this one 100% Gold Card
Tips for Harmless
- Roam they are everywhere
- Roam they are everywhere
- Roam especially near the oak tree
- Roam
- Roam near the thrash at the Black ant nest
- Inside the Pond
- Inside the Pond
- Roam
No easy way for this one but one good spot is under the shed at the pipe where they have nowhere to hide