A single graphic that shows how the Iron Tooth faction plants, grows, harvests, and processes their reworked foods.
The intended usage is for you to be able to see what you will need to benefit from the different food options and, consequently, decide when and in what quantities to plant them.
Food Chain Graphics
Early phase (“Cycle 1”):
Plant a lot of kohlrabies early on. If you have the time and a way to generate power, you may also plant some cassava, which will need fermentation. Planting anything else is a waste of time and valuable land because you will need gears to turn them into edible products.
Once you have a forester and are stable:
- If you have a “lake” or reservoir, try to plant mangroves because their fruits are directly edible, regrow without further effort, and provide a well-being boost.
One cycle before you start gears production:
- When you know that gear production will start soon, you should plant a significant field of canola because canola is turned into oil once you can build an oil press (using gears). With oil, you can ferment soybeans.
Metal blocks:
- When you start collecting scrap metal, it may be the ideal time to plant eggplants and corn. Once you have metal blocks, you will be able to build a food processor and turn these into rations. Eggplant rations will require oil, so be mindful of its stockpile.
- Metal blocks will also allow you to build hydroponic gardens, which can grow algae and mushrooms at the “cost” of a huge amount of water. Be sure to increase your pump count!
Treated planks:
- Finally, to enjoy some well-deserved coffee, you will need gears, metal blocks, and treated planks, which means you will need to be collecting pine resin and so on.
This guide about Timberborn was written by
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