A 100% walk-through/ guide to getting every achievement attached to Volks’ animated date
Self explanatory achievements
These achievements are exactly what they say on the tin:
Go on one hundred dates with Volks
The first two you may get during the grind for “Wolf song”, “Blush, Boi, Blush!”, and “All the Affection” and your general play-through’s of the date to see all the branching dialog. But for the 100 dates, I recommend just clicking through the rest of your dates once you’ve had your fill of the DLC. (Autoclicker recommended if you really wanna speed it up)
Spend one hour in the date with Volks
Getting your fill of the branching dialog and other achievement hunting should net you this one on the way. But if not, I reckon you can idle your way though your remaining time.
Blush, Boi, Blush!
Make Volks blush
Note: You can do both this achievement and “Wolf Song” in the same date
Not sure if this is absolutely the only path you can take, but this is the one I worked out for making Volks blush.
Start of the date he’ll ask you about the chocolate mocha, here, I replied:
I mean, I could drink it for you if you’re worried…
Next he’ll ask how you’ve been, reply:
Missing you like crazy.
Next he’ll say he’s talked out, reply:
Seriously? As much as I love staring at you… I want more right now.
Next he’ll ask what you should talk about. Select the option:
I can’t think of anything. You go.
After this he’ll remark he isn’t good at dinner conversation, respond:
Volks, you know how I feel about you. I just want to get to know you on a deeper level. Seriously.After he says that’s nice of you, select the option:
(Bat your eyelashes flirtatiously.)
Next he’ll say he’ll open up a little more. Here you’ll select this line of prompts:
Tell me more about your hobbies! How did you get into the whole survivalist thing?
It sure is amazing what a little friction can do. I’m talking about the sticks and rocks thing, of course.
Sorry, what did you say? I was imagining you being all resourceful in the woods, with your shirt off…
I can’t help it. You’re so hot, it makes me wanna…
After this line he should remark that he’s blushing like an idiot. With that, you should have netted Blush, Boi, Blush!
Wolf Song
Make Volks sing.
Note: You can do both this achievement and “Blush, Boi, Blush!” in the same date
Whether you followed the “Blush, Boi, Blush!” path, or your own, you’ll want to get to the point in the date where Volks will ask “What do you wanna talk about next?” Here, select:
Let’s keep it lighthearted. > What’s your favorite karaoke song? > (Either option works) > Oh my gosh. What were you singing!? > I bet you’re a really good singer… > That’s probably for the best. Your speaking voice already melts me. Who knows what would happen to me if you sang? > I love your voice. I love your face. I love the way you smell. Just… Everything about you.
And with that, “Wolf Song” should be yours once the date is complete.
All the Affection
100% your coffee date with VolksNote: This may be currently bugged, as despite getting an S rank in the date, it still has not popped for meFirstly, start the date off with:
I mean, I could drink it for you if you’re worried…
Afterwards, reply with:
Missing you like crazy.
Next, reply:
Seriously? As much as I love staring at you… I want more right now.
When he asks “What should we talk about?” reply with:
I can’t think of anything. You go.
Next, reply:
Volks, you know how I feel about you. I just want to get to know you on a deeper level. Seriously.
(Bat your eyelashes flirtatiously.)
For the next section, follow this order:
I’d really love to hear more about your life growing up > I knew you were an adrenaline junkie!
Eli told me you’re a model. What’s that like? > Fruit of the Moon, eh? I’d wolf whistle if I knew how.
Tell me more about your hobbies! How did you get into the whole survivalist thing? > What do you like about it?
After this section, he’ll ask about your drink. Reply with:
I think they forgot to make it taste good. > Aww, I love how eager you are to take care of me.
After this, he’ll ask “What do you wanna talk about next?” Reply with:
Let’s keep it lighthearted.
Then after this, follow this line of questioning. if you ask about karaoke you will not be able to ask about the other two:
What’s your favorite book? > That’s a great book!
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? > Oooo, yeah. Can’t go wrong with wool socks.
What’s your favorite karaoke song? > (Either option works here) > Oh my gosh. What were you singing!? > Well, I’m definitely glad you stayed. This date is really important to me too.
Next he’ll remark about his shirt, reply with:
I like the shirt you’re wearing. You look good.
Next, when he asks where to go from here, reply:
I just want to tell you that I think your smile is the cutest thing in the entire world.
Next respond:
You’re really good at saying real things. I want to hear more…Like, what would your perfect day look like?
And for the final prompt, select:
It doesn’t have to be over.
With that, you should have gotten 5 hearts and a date rank of S (and perhaps All the Affection, but I haven’t confirmed if the achievement is bugged or has different unlock conditions than the blurb suggests, even with every other achievement unlocked for the date.)
Hope this all helped and made sense, happy dating :3