How to Get Smart Chainsword in Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore

This guides sets out to do two things:

  • Show the fastest method of acquiring the Smart Chainsword, the Smart Sword’s final upgrade
  • Additionally help you get the optional goodies along the way

The Route

This guide details the steps needed to acquire the Smart Chainsword, and the items required to do so.

1. Get the Sword Beam in Durridin Forest

In the tree hollow before the checkpoint, duck walking in the corner reveals a secret passage. Jump right and you should land on a tunnel ledge parallel to the branch with the Hidden Coin. Duckwalking again reveals another passage onto said branch. Head to the branch’s edge and do a leap of faith rightward, landing on the canopy. Follow this path to the tunnel normally blocked off with Blue Magic, and climb the tree limbs under it. Doing so lets you access the Sword Wave’s chamber. While it’s dark, it’s perfectly navigable. Claim your prize.

2. Get the Golden Fly and light the beacon in Durridin Forest

Later on, there’s a large cracked rock. Bomb it, and head inside the new opening. Charge a sword wave and fire it at the red magic barrier, destroying it. Nab the arthropod and continue down the main path. You’ll stumble upon the beacon soon enough. I recommend backtracking to get the first Sacred Candle so you can fight Klive and claim his Jewel Shard first.

3. Do errands in Faramore Town

First (and most important), get the Dungeon Key from Arven. While you’re in town, talk to the Mayor to get the Citizenship Pass for Cypress (assuming you’ve already found and talked to him in Durridin Forest). If you have 250 rubies, you can buy the first of Mortar’s Scrolls now. On your way back to Cypress, nab Durridin Forest’s Bonus Room if you haven’t already.

4. Light the beacon in Anju Desert

Normally, you’re supposed to grab the Fairy Dust from here and trade it for the Smart Gun in Creece Canyon. We’ve already seen how the sword waves work on red magic, though, so we won’t be needing either. While you’re here, get the Bonus Room, the first Sacred Candle, the Hidden Coin, and the Life-Up.

5. Get the Griffin Boots and light the beacon in Norin Swamp

Give the Golden Fly you grabbed earlier to Filch in order to pass. Immediately after entering the house he was blocking, duckwalk up to the first set of stairs to find a Hidden Coin. Go through the level normally until you find a house with a locked door. Normally, entering requires finding a key behind a blue magic barrier. However, you can just run off the side of the house’s platform and immediately double back mid-air to find another secret passage inside. Don the Griffin Boots and enter the nearby Bonus Room. The beacon is behind a bombable wall near the level’s end.

6. Get the Blue Magic in Ryha River

Now that we’ve circumvented blue magic barriers on two different occasions, We should bite the bullet and get it for ourselves. It can be found inside the submarine in Ryha River under heavy surveillance. While you’re in the area, get both Sacred Candles, and the Life-Up at the end.

6a. Some optional errands

You’ve probably maxed out your wallet by now, so it’s a good idea to go shopping in Faramore Town. If you bought the second of Mortar’s Scrolls but still want to shop, hit up the Bonus Room at the top right for some easy money. While in town, collect both Sacred Candles and talk to Cypress to start his House Plant quest.

7. Get the Fatal Flute and light the beacon in Badonc Beach

The Fatal Flute requires you to bomb a wall, which you might not have if you didn’t go shopping. Along the trip, get the Bonus Room, both Sacred Candles, the Hidden Coin, and a House Plant for Cypress (these don’t show up before you’ve talked to him in Faramore Town).

8. Get the Crystal of Reflection from Sprigum Volcano, and Give it to Ciclena in Chillnax Peaks and for the Power Pendant

The crystal is deep inside the volcano, so it’s a good idea to get both Sacred Candles and the Hidden Coin while you’re at it. On your way up Chillnax Peaks, enter the Bonus Room and collect both Sacred Candles. If you’re feeling confident, you can fight Apatu for her Jewel Shard.

9. Light the Beacon in Lichen Hills

This place has tons of goodies for you to claim. A bombable wall in room 1 hides the Lighting Sword Power and the first Sacred Candle, and the Bonus Room’s on the top path in room 3. At the shrine where you’re meant to play the Fatal Flute, climb upward for the second Sacred Candle. The key you get from the shrine unlocks the shack at the bottom of room 3. Before you light the beacon inside, talk to the warrior for the Double Sword Wave and nab another House Plant for Cypress.

10. Get the Sacred Oil in Fort Findula

Right at the entrance of Fort Findula, there’s a locked door that needs the Dungeon key Arven gave you. Before entering, grab the first Sacred Candle and Enchanted Boots that lay ahead. Upon entering the formerly locked door, you’l have to go through a gauntlet of enemies. At the end of this gauntlet is the Sacred Oil, along with some bags of loot and an unmoving skeleton with the Spear of Destiny.

11. Trading for the Funky Fungus

Instead of giving Arven the oil, you’ll have to go to Daimur’s Lair, and give it to Zazie in exchange for a Funky Fungus. The area’s two Sacred Candles aren’t far from the entrance, so go get those too.

12. Going through Cogwyn Caves

Travel all the way back to Cogwyn Caves to bomb open the entrance. Nothing in here should pose much of a threat. Before spelunking, be sure to talk to Munhum so he’ll go home to Faramore Town. Go through the caves, entering the Bonus Room and grabbing both Sacred Candles & the Hidden Coin. Another item of interest is the Silver Cricket, which you might want if you ever talk to Filch again. At the fork in the road, go left until you find the Shield Ring, then turn back and go right. At the end of the rightmost path is a Snail, who happily trades you some Snail Salt for you Funky Fungus.

13. More trading

Go to Ryha River and give the Snail Salt to the fish lady, who gives you her cleaver as a trade (which is then manhandled into the Cleaver Shovel). Before leaving, enter the Bonus Room. Heading over to Norin Swamp, Be sure to grab both Sacred Candles on your way over to Glubbert. Give Glubbert the Cleaver Shovel and she’ll give you an Ogre Hair as thanks. Head over to the house with the Griffin Boots, and find one last House Plant for Cypress. Finally, head to Ryha River again and give the Ogre Hair to the Crone, who conveniently has both the Sacred Oil you once had and the Refined Chains you needed.

14. Cashing out

Head back to Faramore Town and give Arven the materials he needed. After an uncomfortably long wait, the Smart Chainsword is finally yours! This little beauty is able to kill any enemy in one slash, and bosses don’t fare too well either.

14a. Fringe benefits

In the process of obtaining the Chainsword, you will have gained the Lantern, Fatal Flute, Double Sword Wave, Griffin Boots, and Blue Magic. If you’ve done a little extra, you’ll also have two Life-Ups and the Shield Ring. Why not a little more? Since you’re in Faramore, give Filch the Silver Cricket to upgrade the amount of rubies you can carry. If you started Cypress’ quest, now’s a good time to give him your plants in trade for an upgrade to your Lantern’s oil reservoir. Since Munhum’s in town, talk to him to start his Rock quest. Head back to Badonc Beach and trade Fleetus your Enchanted Boots for a way-past cool pair of Speed Shoes. After all this, I recommend heading over to Boanjale Crypts for the Bomb Glove and the final Life-Up.

This guide about Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore was written by Perdition's Gate Enjoyer. You can visit the original publication from this link. If you have any concerns about this guide, please don't hesitate to reach us here.

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