Playing the Deputy role in Town of Salem 2 can be challenging, but it’s also one of the most powerful roles. Here’s some information to help you make the most out of your gameplay.
Introduction to Deputy
The Deputy is a new role in Town of Salem 2 that allows the Town to execute players during the day. This is a departure from the original Town of Salem gameplay, so if you’re unfamiliar with this role, it’s important to understand how to play it effectively.
At first glance, the Deputy’s ability to shoot any player in town with a Powerful Attack may seem simple. However, it requires careful consideration and deduction. The Deputy is one of the strongest Town members in the game, but using its ability carries a high risk since shooting the wrong player will lead to the Deputy being immediately hanged by the Hangman.
How and When to Shoot
How To Shoot:
Step 1. Click the button on the top right.
Step 2. Select who to shoot.
Step 3. Confirm.
When To Shoot
Similar to the Vigilante role, players must carefully consider their shots before taking them as the Deputy. It’s crucial to pay close attention to not only the words but also the actions of all non-confirmed members of the Town.
In role lists, it’s important to track every claim and the information provided by them. Look for votes against evils and whether anyone is hesitant to put up a Coven member or voting innocent/abstaining during their lynching. These actions are more significant than someone simply being quiet. With the addition of Ritualist and Doomsayer roles, players are less likely to claim out loud if they’re not the Investigator (TI) role.
Players should look for those who are splitting votes and trying to stall Town actions during the day. Keep an eye out for players who vote against the Town or provide contradictory information against a Town member. If a One For One Lynch (1F1) results in a Town member being lynched, it’s safe to shoot the Evil player on the other side of the 1F1 afterward.
Things To Be Careful Of
- Shooting too early – Holding onto your shot until it’s useful is better than wasting it and potentially killing town members.
- Revealing yourself early – You want to avoid claiming your role too early to avoid becoming a target for evils. Have a fake or vague claim ready to keep yourself alive until it’s time to shoot.
- Quiet Town – Don’t shoot someone just because they’re quiet. Whisper them to check their role in private to avoid killing a town member.
- Unique Roles – Keep in mind that there can only be one Town Power role in each game, so be wary of claims and confirmations. If there’s more than one claim or one dead, someone is lying.
Additional Insights
The Deputy has a unique ability to swing the game in the town’s favor during the daytime by eliminating two evils, one with a bullet and the other through a lynch. This is especially useful when no evils have been eliminated yet and they are close to achieving majority. When this happens, the evils will become more aggressive and may make a mistake, giving the Deputy an opportunity to turn a 4v4 into a 4v2 for the town.
While it’s important to hold onto the ability for a better shot, there may be situations where it’s beneficial to shoot a guaranteed evil who is already getting lynched and leading the town. This will confirm the Deputy’s role and take pressure off the town’s protective roles. Furthermore, it allows the town to focus on hunting down the remaining evil factions.
It’s also worth considering using the ability early on to resolve a 1F1 situation. Eliminating a Coven member at this stage is more damaging to the Coven than it is to the town, as they have fewer members to begin with. However, the Deputy must be cautious as there’s a 50/50 chance that a neutral role is involved, which could result in the deaths of two town members for no Coven loss.